Last Updated: 03/20/2025 4:13 PM
8200 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#4022)
Built 2003, 141’ x 40’ x 19.5’ depth, main engines: (2) keel cooled ALCO 16-251F diesel engines, (2) 144” x 127” bronze fixed pitch propellers, kort nozzles, bowthruster is powered by 500 hp Cummins KTA19 diesel engine, 212,900 lbs bollard pull, (2) 179 kw Newage generator sets p/b (2) Cummins N14TA diesel engines, (1) 80 kw Midamerica gen set, 224,000 gal fuel capacity, 1000 gal hydraulic oil capacity, 5500 gal lube oil capacity, 9000 gal water capacity, 30,000 gal wash water capacity, Intercon DD225 double drum towing winch w/3500’ of 2.5” wire on port drum and 2600’ of 2.25” wire starboard drum p/b Detroit 8V71. 10 ton hydraulic deck crane with 56’ extending boom. Located Alabama. Price: $3,400,000
Built 1997, 135' x 36' x 16'6" deep draft, 494 GT, 148 NT, 7,650 effective horsepower, 6,140 total brake horsepower, main engines: (2) EMD 16-645E7C, (2) Lufkin RS3020 4.238:1 reduction gears, (2) 113" x 113" 4-blade stainless steel propellers in kort nozzles, Marprop 530 hp bow thruster, (2) 99kw Detroit Diesel 8V71 generators, 82.81 metric tonnes (91.28 short tons) bollard pull, Stern winch: Intercon DD-225 double drum with Detroit Diesel 671 engine, Tow wires 3000' x 2-1/4" primary, 2,000' x 2-1/2" secondary, hydraulic Shark Jaws 200 ton pneumatic towing pin system, berthing for 10, 118,349 gallons fuel oil capacity, 10,367 gal potable water capacity, 1400 gallons lube oil capacity, 700 gallons hydraulic oil capacity, 26,429 gallons ballast water capacity, ABS-A1, AMS SOLAS Compliant Price: $6,100,000
7650 HP TWIN SCREW TUGBOAT (Ref#2644) Built 1976. 126' x 37, deep draft 16'7". GT 482, NT 111. Main engines: (2) EMD 16-645E7B. Gears: (2) Reintjes 5.053:1. Generators: (2) Detroit 8V-71, 99kW port, 125kW Stbd. Capacities: Fuel 94,000 gal, Potable water 6,000 gal. Lube oil 1,728 gal, Hydraulic oil 698 gal, Ballast 20,7000 gal. Bollard pull: 75.7MT (83.4ST). Stern winch: Intercon DD-225 Double Drum Detroit diesel 6-71 winch engine.Not used since 2016. Needs $900,000 worth of work. Located US Gulf. Price: $400,000
Built 1982. DP2. Class status: ABS. Laid up, active, classed ISM, ISPS, MLC. 216' x 42' x 16', Draft light 8', Draft max 13.8'. GT 472 (ITC 996), NT 321 (ITC 299). Clear deck: 108' x 32' (3,456sq ft), Deck cargo capacity: 966 LT. DWT: 1,149 LT. Loadline displacement: 4,850 LT. Main engines: (2) EMD 16-645E7BA, with Kort nozzles. Bow thrusters: (1) Bird Johnson 35/3S/FP, 535HP. Generators: (2) 150kw. Winch: Brattvaag double drum Waterfall, 180 MT per drum, storage reels: (4) 4,107' of 2.5" wire each. Shark jaw 300MT, Tow pin 150MT, Stern roller 5' x 8'. Tuggers: (2) x 10 tons. Capacities: Fuel 196,990 gal, Ballast 219,400 gal, Fresh water 14,600 gal, Bulk mud 6,000 ft3 @ 80psi, liquid mud 2,200 barrels. Accommodations: 23. Foreign flag. Located US Gulf.
This boat took on water and a lot of the Electrical wire is stolen
Price: $550,000
4800 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#4213)
Built 2007, 104’ x 37.8’ x 19.5’, 16’ loaded draft, main engines (2) Cat 3516B diesel engines, Masson gears 7.345:1 ratio, (2) 107” x 78” 4-blade SS propellers, (2) 99kw John Deere 6.8T generators, Almon Johnson 250 single drum winch, 5 crew cabins, galley, A/C, ABS loadline exp 2027 (DD overdue), laid up 2023, located Northeast US Price on Request
Built 2011, 10,000 HP oil industry rated class, 116’ x 34’ x 17’, main engines: Cat 3516DITA High Displacement (2364 hp each), 73.65 ST calculated bollard pull w/propellers for efficient towing speed of 7 knots, 85.80 ST w/propellers for efficient towing speed of 4 knots, Reintjes WAF 1173 reduction gears, Markey TDSD-24 double drum towing winch with 2-1/4” wire rop, Cat C6.6 winch engine with multi speed Funk transmission and torque converter, 99kw John Deere generators, 120,000 gal fuel capacity, located US Gulf Price: $6,500,000
6000 HP TUG (Ref#4007)
Built 1987, 110' x 41' x 16' (12' light draft), 139 GRT, 95 NRT, (3) main engines (one needs replacing): Wartsila 8R22 (starboard engine overhauled 2019), Mitsubishi S16R-MPTA (center engine new 2020), Mitsubishi S16R-MPTA (port engine new 2015), 70 ton bollard pull, (3) Ice Class C Props in kort nozzles, (3) generators, Almond Johnson double drum tow winch w/ 2200' of 2-1/4" and 1850' of 2-1/4", 3 ton HIAB marine crane, 1 ton tugger to move rigging in place, bridles chain and wire, surge chain, portable running lights, pushing gear, (2) 7000 pound anchors, upper pilot house, 55' eye level, 62' bridge clearance, 110,000 gal fuel capacity, 1800 gal lube oil capacity, 8000 gal potable water capacity, ABS loadline, located Louisiana, needs work Price: $850,000
6000 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#4192)
Built 1969, 135’ x 35’ x 13’, main engines: (2) EMD 16 cylinder, generators (3) 99kw, 125,000 gal fuel capacity, 15,300 gal water capacity, 15,300 ballast capacity, located Northeast US Price: $1,350,000
Built 1969, rebuilt 1984 & 2014. 103' x 27' x 12', operating draft 10'. GT 192, NT 130. Upper pilot house 38'. Main engines: (2) CAT 3516 DI-TA-JW (new engine installed 11-2019). Reduction gears: CAT model 7271 5.091:1. 8" shafts, 78"x63.3" wheels in Kort nozzles. Electric hydraulic steering. Bollard pull: 40ton. Generators: (2) John Deere Tier II 60kw, 4.5L. Capacities: fuel 38,000 gal, lube oil 700 gal, hydraulic oil 250 gal, potable water 8,500 gal. Accommodations: State rooms 4, heads 2, berths 6, galley fully outfitted, all electric. Central AC/heating. Towing winch: Intercon single drum 150K lbs line pull), tow drum: 2,000' of 1-3/4. Located Louisiana. Price: $4,000,000
5000 HP TUG (Ref#4009)
Built 2002, 90' x 40' x 16' (12' light draft), 98 GT, 66 NRT, main engines (3) Mitsubishi S12R-Y2MPTK Tier II (new 2013), 55 ton bollad pull, (3) Ice Class C props in kort nozzles, (3) ZF gears 6.9:1 ratio, (4) gen sets (1) 99kw JD, (1) 99kw Iveco, (1) 99kw GM671, (1) 40kw JD, Almon Johnson primary tow winch holds 2200' of 2-1/4" wire, secondary tow winch holds 1700' of 2-1/4 wire, 6' diameter x 8' long stern roller able to deck a 15 ton aqnchor, (1) 2 ton HIAB marine crane, 2 ton tugger to move rigging in place, bridles chain and wire, surge chain, portable running lights, pusher gear, 3000 lb anchor with 7 shots of 1-1/4" chain, upper pilot house, 42' eye level, 80,000 gal fuel capacity, 1000 gal lube oil capacity, 6000 gal potable water capacity, in drydock being reworked, COI, Sub M Price: $1,600,000
5000 HP TUG (Ref#4008)
Built 1998, 90' x 40' x 16' (12' light draft), 98 GRT, 66 NRT, main engines: (3) Mitsubishi S12R-Y1MPTA (Starboard and port new 2008, center new 2019), (3) ZF gears fitted out with trolling valves for continuous shaft RPM control 0-260), 50 ton bollard pull, (3) Bird Johnson propellers in kort nozzles, 100 hp bow thruster, Almon Johnon primary tow winch holds 2200' of 2-1/4" wire, secondary two winch holds 1800' of 2-1/4" wire, 6' diameter x 10' long stern roller able to deck a 15 ton anchor, (1) Hiab 1-ton marine crane, 1 ton tugger to move rigging in place, bridles chain and wire, surge chain, portable running lights, pusher gear, 3000 lb anchor with 6 shots of 1-1/4" chain, 80000 gal fuel capacity, 1000 gal lube capacity, 8000 gal potable water capacity, located Florida Price: $1,600,000
5000 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#4037)
Built 1967, 121’ x 32’ x 10.9’, 15.5’ loaded draft, 12.5’ light draft, main engines (2) Fairbanks Morse 12-38D 8-1/8, 5-lade SS 115” x 81” propellers, Philadelphia 28 HRMGH 4.09:1 reduction gears, (2) 99 kw 108V John Deere 9098TA/Detroit 671 generators, 73,000 gal fuel oil capacity, 990 gal lube oil capacity, 7600 gal potable water capacity, 15000 gal ballast capacity, 13 knots lt speed, 70 gal/per hour, Burrand hydraulic SD towing winch 110,000 lb of line pull 2800’ of 2-1/4” cable, fire stations, located Caribbean, current certification Price: $750,000
5000 HP TUG BOAT (Ref#4235)
Built 1966, 128’ x 44’ x 9’, diesel reduction propulsion Price on Request
4600 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#3871)
Built 1973, 109’ x 32’ x 17’, 296 GT, 201 NT, main engines (2) EMD 12-645-E5 12-cylinder diesel engines, bronze fixed itch propellers, located New England Price: $275,000
4600 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#3872)
Built 1968, rebuilt 1995, 102’ x 28.5’ x 17’, repowered in 1995 (2) Cat 3606 dieel engine,s Lufkins RHS 3620 reduction gears 4.53:1, (2) 108” x 104” fixed pitch 4-blade SS propellers, Reworked – now ABS, located New England Price: $1,050,000
4500 HP OCEAN GOING TUG BOAT (Ref#3811a)
Built 1984, 112’ x 32’, (2) Alco 12-152C main engines (rebuilt 2022), Negata twin dsic reduction gears, Kort nozzles, Sperry steering, 4.9:1 high gear ratio, 4.4:1 low gear ratio, 12 knots speed free, (2) 75kw GM 671 generators, Intercon D/D tow winch with GM 671 engine 2000’ x 2” wire tow side capacity, 2000’ x 2” wire anchor side capacity, Intercon stern rollers, 225’-16 cir double nylon shock line, 120’ x 1001/2” 6 x 25 IWRC pennants, 55 ton shafety shackles, 134,790 gal fuel capacity, 1,880 gal lube capacity, 15,570 gal potable water capacity, 9 berths, 2 heads, 2 showers, 5 crew, safety equipment, navigation equipment, 196 GT, 133 NT, laid up status Price: $1,600,000
Built 1970, 118’ x 33’ x 18’5”, 46’ eye height, main engines: (2) Alco 251C-12, (2) 99kw Detroit 8V71N generators, Falk reduction gears 6.7:1, 132” x 95” wheel size, 196 GT, 133 NT, 72,900 gal fuel capacity, 1000 gal lube oil capacity, 1795 gal waste oil capacity, 4000 gal water capacity, double drum Skagit winch /2700’ of 2” wire, current COI, ABS, located East Coast US Price: $$2,250,000
Built 1976, 106.5’ x 32’ x 12.5’ depth, 12’ light draft, 13’ loaded draft, main engines: (2) Cat 3606 diesels, 90,000 gallons fuel capacity, 5000 gallons water capacity, 1300 gallons lube capacity, 400 gallons hydraulic oil capacity, double drum Intercon GM 671 winch w/3225T wire 2400’ x 2” and 2000’ x 2-1/2”, HBL windlass 1000 lb stockless anchor, 11 bunks, galley, ABS loadline expired 2013, located Northwest US Price: $425,000
Built 1976. Class: ABS new 5-year drydocking as of May 2019. 110' x 31' x 15'. ITC 358, GT 99, NT 67. Height of eye 25'. Main engines: (2) EMD 12-645 E7s. Generators: (2) 99kw Tier 3. Tow winch: Smatco DADT-170 double drum (150,000lbs), 2400' of 2" ABS tow wire. Bow winch: 250' of 7.5" Circ. Plasma. Anchor handling. Fuel capacity: 89,700 gal. Berthing: 11 persons in 5 staterooms. Excellent condition. Price includes $50k of spare engine parts, (2) spare props, and spare shaft. ($125k value). Located West Coast, USA. Price: $1,900,000
4200 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#1200)
Built 1981, 80’ x 28’ x 12’, 10’ operating draft, main engines: (2) Cat 3508, Twin disc 540 reduction gears 4:1 ratio, (2) SS fixed pitch propellers, (2) 40 kw Detroit diesel generators, electric/hydraulic steering, 31,000 gal fuel capacity, 770 gal lube oil capacity, 4200 gal potable water capacity, Smatco DAW 46 winch 100,000 lb line pull 2000’ x 1-1/2” tow wire, one engine recently reworked, painted, COI, Sub M, located US Gulf Price: $2,800,000
4000 HP TUGBOAT (Ref#3675)
Built 1977 in Spain, upgraded in 1998, 110' x 29' x 16', BV+Hull+MACH tug, unrestricted navigation, 290 GT. Main engines: (2) C 3516 DITA 2000 hp each installed 1998, Generator Cat 3304 105kva, Cat 3306 175 kva, propulsion one pitch propeller in Tow Master Nozzle 5 rudder,48 ton BP, 2 drum towing winch, 65T towing hook NWL tested load to 80T, deck crane, accommodations for 13, located Europe Price: $250,000
4000 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#4181)
Built 1945, Repowered 1975, 1984 added ice strengthened hull, 1977 overhauled and converted main engines to 16-645, 2010 overhauled main engines. 148.5’ x 33.1’ x 16’, main engines: (2) EMD 16-645C, (2) Western Gear Reverse gear box 4:1 reduction gears, (2) 100 kw Detroit 671 generators, keel cooling: main engines, generators and gear box – Fernstrum grid coolers. (2) 108” x 86” fixed pitch four blade propellers SS open wheel, (2) electric motors over hydraulic pumps (2) steering rudders, 12.6 knots speed, approx 92,000 gallon fuel capacity, 3000 gal fresh water capacity, 1500 lube oil capacity, 300 gal gear oil capacity, 3400 gal slop oil capacity, Microphor treatment sewage plant with holding tank, 45245 gal ballast capacity, (4) single staterooms, (3) double staterooms, full galley, Almon Johnson single drum towing winch (1600’ of 2” cable) p/b Detroit 471 diesel, (2) Beebe 64L-RC face (bow) winches with 1” wire, Horsburcht Scott windless p/b GE electric motor, communication and navigation equipment, drydocked 2023/2024, located Midwest US Price: $650,000
3900 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#4094b)
Built 1988, 102.5’ x 34’ x 15’6”, max height 45’, main engines: EMD 645 E6 16 cylinder, (2) Reinjtjes WAV 2240 reduction gears 4.048:1 ratio, (2) 4-blade 99” x 96” SS propellers, Marathon 99kw John Deere 6068T FM76 generator, 99 kw Magna Plus generator, 105,000 ahead bollard pull, 71,980 astern bollard pull, 49,000 gal fuel capacity, 779 gal hydraulic oil capacity, 1510 gal lube oil capacity, 7282 gal water capacity, 300# stockless anchor gear, McElroy HC20H bow winch, McElroy MC24H stern capstan, located West Coast USA, 2 available Price: $1.9M
Built 1975. ABS Loadline expired Nov. 2019, owner would help restore for additional cost. 100' x 36.3' x 13'.4'. GT 198, NT 134. Main engines: (2) EMD 16-645-E2 diesels with Falk reduction gears 3.89:1. (2) 115" x 90" 4-blade fixed pitch props. (2) 99kw gen sets with (2) GM 6V-71 diesels. Fuel capacity: 79,500 gal. Towing gear: Single drum winch with 2,000' of 2" stainless steel wire driven by GM 6V-71 diesel. Located New York. Price: $2,600,000
Built 2002, 75’ x 28’ x 12’ depth, 10’ operating draft, main engines: (3) Cat 3412C, 371 Detroit winch engine, (2) 45kw Northern Light generators, electric/hydraulic steering, Intercon DD125 winch w/125,00 lb line pull and 1900’ x 1-1/2” tow wire, 36,000 gal fuel capacity, 400 gal lube oil capacity, 8000 gal potable water capacity, Sub M, 99 GT, 67 NT, navigation equipment Price: $3,200,000
3420 HP TWIN SCREW TUGBOAT (Ref#385) Built 1970, GRT 404, 107' x 32' x 16'6", (2) Cat 3516, reduction gears: Lufkin RHS2120, Ratio 3:09:1, wheels 75" x 69" 5-blade stainless steel, generators (2) Detroit 671 (75 kw), bow and stern fendering, Markey 2400' of 2 double drum, capacities: fuel 73,000 USG, water 5,823 USG, Lube 1860 USG, hydraulic 300 USG. Price: $1,850,000 PRICE REDUCED: $1,700,000
3400 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#2833)
Built 1967, Rebuilt 2003, Repowered 1995, 91.5' x 26.8' x 9.1', 14’ loaded draft, 22’7” eye level, 44’ air draft, main engines: (2) Cat 3516 diesel engines, Reintjes reduction gears, (2) 88" x 72" SS propellers, (2) 40kw John Deere generators, 75,530 lb bollard pull, 38,000 gal fuel capacity, 1210 gal lube oil capacity, 1400 gal fresh water capacity, galley, 8 crew quarters in 4 cabins, Almon Johnson single drum tow winch, upper wheelhouse removed, laid up, located New England Price: $1,100,000
Built 1998, 95’ x 32’ x 13.7’ hull depth, eye height 28’, main engines (2) Cat 3516, Twin Disc MG5600 gears 5.04”1 ratio, (2) SS 4-blade 83” props, kort nozzles, (2) 75kw Cat 3306 generators, 90T McElroy DFT65-D double drum winch p/b Cat 3306, Nordic towing pins, Laid up (drydocking due 2022), located South USA Price on Request
3000 HP TUGBOAT (Ref#3960)
Built 1982, 90’ x 28’ x 12’ max draft, main engines (2) Cat 3512 (1500 hp each), Twin disc reduction gears MG540 6.18:1, 10 knots speed, Generators (1) 65 kw and (1) 50 kw, 72” x 73” wheels, kort nozzles, Smatco waterfall winch w/1800’ of 1-3/4” and 1900’ of 1-1/2” tow wire, 40,000 gal fuel oil capacity, 600 gal lube oil capacity, 10,000 gal potable water capacity, communication and navigation equipment, 4 staterooms, 7 berths, galley, A/C and heat, 96GT, 75 NT, current COI and ABS loadline, located East Coast Price: $2,100,000
3000 HP MODEL BOW TUGBOAT (Ref#4077)
Built 1982, repowered 2000, 75’ x 25’ x 10’, main engines: (2) Cat 3412C engines, kort nozzles, 40,000 gal fuel capacity, (2) 40 kw generators, 11,500 gal potable water, 22’ eye level, 9’ draft, Smatco 48K-DAD-75 double drum capstans side by side93 GT, 63 NT, located Louisiana Price: $1,050,000
3000 HP TUGBOAT (Ref#3163)
Built 1980, 110' x 32' x 16', draft 14', Air draft 60' mast up, 40' mast down. Height of eye 35'. GT 284 (338 ITC), NT 193 (101 ITC). Main engines: (2) EMD-12-645-E6, Reduction gears Eisenwerke Reintjes WAV-1850 3.95:1. Bollard pull: 41 ton (82,500#). Fuel capacity: 48,000gal. 12 knots speed, 75K generator. Winch: Single drum Almon Johnson with 2000' of 2" wire.
The owner of the tug has recently put $200,000 into refurbishing. To make it 100% it would require the following items to be done.
A. Potable water piping must be inspected for any leaks and repaired where necessary: $5,000
B. Air conditioner must be repaired or replaced: $9,000
C. Winch requires work to make it fully functional: $25,000
Located Northeast USA. Price: $410,000
3000 HP OCEAN GOING TUG BOAT (Ref#3811c)
Built 1976, 125.6’ x 34’, 17’ max draft, 13’ min draft, (2) EMC 12-645-E6 main engines, Reinjens reduction gears, Kort nozzles, Sperry steering, 4.95:1 gear ratio, 102” x 116” wheel size, 12 knots free speed, (2) 75 kw GM 671 generators, Intercon D/D tow winch with GM 671 engine 2000’ x 2” wire tow side capacity, 2000’ x 2” wire anchor side capacity, Intercon stern rollers, 225’-16 cir double nylon shock line, 100’ x 1-1/2” 6 x 25 IWRC pennants, 55 ton shafety shackles, 107,000 gal fuel capacity, 1400 gal lube capacity, 13,700 gal potable water capacity, 9 berths, 2 heads, 2 showers, 5 crew, safety equipment, navigation equipment, laid up Price: $1,600,000
3000 HP OCEAN GOING TUG BOAT (Ref#3811d)
Built 1979, 118’ x 34’, 16’ max draft, 14’ min draft, (2) EMC 12-645-E6 main engines, Reinjens reduction gears, Kort nozzles, Sperry steering, 5:1 gear ratio, 102” x 120” wheel size, American Standard engine congrols, 10.5 knots free speed, (2) 75 kw GM 671 generators, Intercon D/D tow winch with GM 671 engine 2000’ x 2” wire tow side capacity, 2000’ x 2” wire anchor side capacity, Intercon stern rollers, 225’-16 cir double nylon shock line, 90’ x 1-1/2” 6 x 25 IWRC pennants, 55 ton shafety shackles, 99,700 gal fuel capacity, 1230 gal lube capacity, 20,000 gal potable water capacity 7 berths, 2 heads, 2 showers, 5 crew, safety equipment, navigation equipment, laid up Price: $1,600,000
3000 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#4090)
Built 1975, 110’ x 32’ x 13’ min draft, 16’ max draft, main engines: (2) Cat 3516 engines, Twin Disc MG540 reduction gears, (2) John Deere 99kw generators, electric over hydraulic steering, 96” x 78” props, 10 knots speed, 75,000 usg fuel capacity, 12,00 usg lube oil capacity, 10,000 usg potable water capacity, 177 GT, 120 NT, Intercon DD200 two drum towing gear, anchor handling, 225,000 lb line pull, 6 staterooms, 8 berths, galley, A/C and heat, raised wheel house, recently drydocked, spent of $2m on the boat the past couple of years Price: $2,200,000
3000 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#4023b)
Built 1970, 119’ x 31’ x 13.5’, main engines (2) EMC 12-645, Falk 1235 RM reductions gears, (2) John Deere 6068 110 kw generators, 66,000 lbs bollard pull, Markey TDSD 32 tow winch, port drum 2” x 2200’, stbd drum 2” x 2200’, 96,000 gallon fuel capacity, 1700 gallons lube oil capacity, 3000 gallons fresh water capacity, 177 GT, 120 NT, ABS loadline, located West Coast USA Price: $550,000
Built 2004, Foreign flag, 92’ x 31’ x 10’ depth, 8.2’ draft (summer), 7.2’ minimal operating draft, 141 deadweight, 224 GT, main engines: (2) Cat 3512 DITA (1350 hp each), (1) 340 kVa Cat 3408 DITA aux diesel generator, (2) 65 kVa John Deere aux generator, VETH VT-160/160 kW bow thruster, twin screw fixed pitch propeller i nozzles, ruders, Flexion HYD-10-001-02B steering gear, oily water separator, water distiller, Menarom SA Type 2 VAT E20.5k2 anchor windless, Schmitt high holding fully balanced stockless high holding power anchor (2 pcs), LK EP 5000 type 5000kg load pull capstan, double drum anchor handles towing winch SWL 30t (50t hold), double drum anchor handles AH winch SWL 30t (50t hold), 2200’ of ½” towing dire, 1300’ of ½” AH wire, 2300’ stern roller, (2) towing pins, 27,700 gal fuel tank capacity, 500 gal oil tank capacity, 10,000 gal fresh water tank capacity, 3,300 gal sewage tank capacity, 2000 gal oily bilge water tank capacity, 500 gal sludge tank capacity. 36’ x 29.5’ clear deck (1065 sq ft), Heila HLRM 140-3S 10 ton deck crane aft deck, max speed 12 knots, economical speed 10 knots, 28.2 tons bollard pull, communication and navigation equipment, firefighting and pollution prevention equipment, lift saving equipment, accommodations for 8, mess room, galley, located Caribbean Price: $2,600,000
2650 BHP TUG BOAT (Ref#3743)
Built 1975, 81’ x 28 x 11.7 hull depth, repowered 2008 with (2) Tier II Cummins QSK38 diesel engines (rated 2800 hp), (2) stainless steel fixed pitch propellers, mounted in kort nozzles, 125 GT, 85 NT, towing winch, ABS Special 5 year ABS loadline valid to October 2025, Sub M Compliant COI, currently operating in Northeast US. In 2022 the vessel was drydocked and over a million dollars was spent on improvements. New twin disc 560 gears were added, priced at $336,000 each, with a total cost of $800,000 with installation, steelwork was done as requires, together with any other necessary maintenance Price: $2,100,000
2500 HP TUGBOAT (Ref#3732)
Built 1974 Poland, 35m x 9m, 5m max draft, single controllable pitch propeller, main engines: Fiat, 13 knots, 30 ton bollard pull, tow winch hydraulic single drum 30 tons, aux engines: (2) Scania 199kw each, 97 tons fuel oil capacity, 20 tons fresh water capacity, accommodates for 12 persons, heat and A/C, navigation and communication equipment, Certified until November 2024, last drydock November 2019, located Europe Price: €525,000 Euros
2400 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#4038)
Built 1973, 90’ x 29’ x 12.1’ depth, main engines: (2) EMD 12-567 diesel engines, 8” dia propellers shafts with 4 blade bronze propeller through Lufkin marine reversing gearboxes 3:1 reduction , (2) Detroit diesel 471/60kw generator, 134 GT, 91 NT, fuel capacity 54,974 gallons, (2) 2-bunk staterooms, (2) 1 bunk staterooms, galley, communication and navigation equipment, located New York Price: $335,000
Built 1968. 100' x 27' x 11.5' draft. Height of eye 24'. GT 149, NT 101. Main engines: (2) CAT 3512. Lufkin RS-2118 reduction gear 5.222:1. Generators: (2) Detroit diesel 4-71, port 75kw at 1800rpm, stb 55kw at 1200rpm. Capacities: Fuel 32,000 gal, lube 758 gal, waste oil 400 gal, water 5,000 gal. Located Northeast US. Price: $775,000
2210 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#4094a)
Built 1980, 73.3’ x 26.3’ x 11.4’, 8.5’ min draft, 11’ max draft, 26.2’ min height, 46.5’ max height, main engines: (2) Cat D398, (2) Cat 7261 reduction gears 4.61”1 ratio, 4 blade 76” x 76” Coolidge propellers, twin screw fixed kort, flanking rudder, 52,800 lb ahead bollard pull, 30,800 lbs astern bollard pull, (2) 50 kw GM 471 Detroit generators w/hyd pump, 25,450 gal fuel capacity, 453 gal hydraulic oil capacity, 384 gal lube oil capacity, 3,283 gal water capacity, 1500 lb anchor gear, Bow winch, Intercon SD150 single drum tow winch, located California (cannot be used in California due to trade restrictions placed by owner) Price: $550,000
2200 HP HARBOR TUG (Ref#3734)
(2) available. Built 1976,1977. Inland tugs, coastal with good weather. Dims 28.43 x 9.12 m – draft 4.25 m, Displacement 340 tons. 2 x ABC 6 MDZC , each 1.100 hp at 1.000 rpm coupled to to 2 VS. Bollard Pull 24 tons – only towing hook. Generators Baudouin and Sisu. Capacities fuel 40 cbm, FW 6 cbm and Luboil 400 L – foamtank 13.00 0 cbm. Two Fifi Monitors with730 cbm/hr Stork pump, Speed 12 knots. Well maintained, ex government, location Europe Price: $200,000 each.
2000 HP TWINSCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#3574) Built 1967. 81.4' x 28' x 11.1, Overall length 91.5'. GT 128, NT 87. Bollard Pull 28T. Main engines: (2) CAT 398s. Generators: (2) 60KW John Deere. Capacities: Fuel 52,000 gal, potable water 13,100 gal, lube oil 1,150 gal. Range 4,500 miles. Dual anchor handling winches. RB90 double drum towing machine. 180,000lb line pull. Built for offshore and ice service. Large open aft deck. Crew up to 8. 1.5" and 1.75" towing cable. Located Northeast US. Price: $775,000
Built 1965, 85’ x25’ x 12.6’ (9’8” light draft or 13’2” deep draft), 92’ x 28’10” including fendering, main engine: (1) Fairbanks-Morse diesel Model 10-38D8-1/8, Lufkin gearbox RS2520 2.57:1 ratio, two control stations in pilothouse, one controls tation on boat deck (aft), one emergency back up control in engine room, (1) 30kw Detroit 371 generator, (1) 21 kva Isuzu 4LC1 AC unit, (2) quincy model 325 compressors, 120V back-up battery system, Vari-speed Capstan (remanufactured in like-new condition), 146 GRT, 99 NT, 9700 gal fuel capacity, 35 ton ballast water capacity (in five tanks), full galley, head, shower, 6 berths, Sub M, COI issued 11/20, located Wisconsin Price: $350,000
Manufactured 1961, 105’ x29’ x 16.3’ depth, 22’ eye height, main engine: Fairbanks Morse 38D 10 cylinder (retrofitted and upgraded), 12’ x 4 blade right hand propeller with 12” bore, Lufkin reduction gears 57.2:1, 29,000 gallon fuel capacity, 2,500 gal water capacity, 50,000 lb bollard pull, H75M winch, 8 berths, 4 staterooms, navigation and communication equipment, current COI, located Northeast USA Price: $550,000
Built 1965, Coastwise unrestricted, COI Sub M fully compliant (as of July 2021), 60’ x 21’ x 8.7’, 7’ light draft, 9’ loaded draft, 59 GT, 47 NRT, main engines: (2) Detroit 16V92 diesels (rebuilt 2006), gears Twin Disc MG527 5.27:1 reduction, all engines keeled cooled, (2) Perkins 4 cylinder diesel driving (2) 60 kw Northern Lights generators, 4 blade SS 64” x 44” propellers, max speed 9 knots, 9500 gal fuel capacity (5 tanks), 35 gal lube capacity, 2000 gal water capacity, 1200 gpm fuel consumption, 59 GT, 47 NT, navigation and communication equipment, 2 station fire pump. Towing gear with electrically driven capstan. Accommodations: full galley and quarters, central air conditioning. Extensive rebuild 2000 including hull, deck house, machinery and all systems. Last drydocked 2017. Survey May 2017, current fair market value at time of survey: $500,000. Boat not operable, requires two new shafts. Located US Gulf Price as is: $235,000
Built 1957, 85’ x 24’ x 9.6’, EMD 16-567C engine, (1) 30kw Detroit DC generator, (1) 20kw Kubota AC generator, (1( shaft 25 kw DC, 15,000 gal fuel capacity, 350 gal lube capacity, 3,000 gal potable water capacity, 8 berthing, (1) hydraulic capstan, portable dewatering pumps, washer, dryer, heat, A/C, located Northeast US Price: $385,000
1700 HP TUGBOAT (Ref#3822)
Built 1965, Sub M Expired 8-20-23, drydocked Mid 2021, 90’ x 27’ x 10.6, main engines: (2) Cat D398B 900hp each (11000 hours since full overhaul), (2) 60kw GM 671 generators, 127 GT, 86 NT, fuel capacity 42,000 gallons, water capacity 2500 gallons, lube oil capacity 625 gallons, Markey TYS-32D double head single drum hydraulic winch 800’ x 1.75” wire, powered by 4 cylinder Detroit, bow thruster, 10,000# crane, accommodations 7 berths, head/shower, galley, located Northwest USA Price: $700,000
Built 1972,Norway, MCA class. Dimensions: 22.5 x 6.7 m – draft 2.6 m, DEUTZ 1280 kW main engine, 2 x aux John Deere 2 x 85 kVa, Bowthruster 260 hp, Bollard pull 21 tons, Deckspace about 12.5 x 5.5 m – 14 tons, Fuel cap 42 tons, FW 10 tons, towing hook, towing winch, 500 m steel wire. Hydr crane PK 12000, Shark jaws fitted, Cabins: 2 single and 2 double, Full navaids, location: Europe. Price: €145.000 Euros
Built 1966, Rebuilt 2009, 90’ x 28’ x 9.5’, main engines: (2) Cat D398 diesel engine, 6.31:1 reduction gear ratio, (2) 75 kw generators powered by Cat D320 diesel engines, 4500 gal potable water capacity, 34,000 gal fuel capacity, located Caribbean, US Flag, current COI expired March 2026 Price: $1,550,000
1500 HP TWIN SCREW TUG (Ref#1853)
Built 1981, 65’ x 26’ x 10’, 5.6” light draft, 7.6” maximum draft, main engines: (2) Yanmar 6AYAM-6ET 1500 bhp Tier 3, Yanmar YXH240L reduction gears 5:1 ratio, 4 blade SS props with nozzles, electric/hydraulic steering, (2) 40kw generators with Kobota tier 3, 17 ton bollard pull, Speed 10 knots, 1000 – 15000 gpd fuel consumption, 23,000 gal fuel capacity, 50 gal lube oil capacity, 7,000 gal potable water capacity, 3,500 ballast water capacity, 60 Ton Nabrico winch with 1.25” x 1300’ main tow line, 300’ x 8” shock line, Smatco 55D towing winch, 6 berths, galley, Oxy/Acet, fuel transfer, external air start, Sub M compliant, Solas Approved, located East Coast US Price: $1,250,000
Built 1976, 75’ x 25’ x 9.5’ depth, 8.5’ max draft, 20’ x 24’ deck space, main engines: GM 12V149NA (750 hp each), Twin disc MG540 reduction gears, (2) 40kw GM 371 generators, 10 knots speed, steering electric over hydraulic, 68” x 54” wheels, 22,000 gal fuel oil capacity, 450 lube oil capacity, 5000 gal potable water capacity, Smatco 48-DPS towing gear 65,000 lb line pull single drum split, 3 staterooms, 5 berths, galley, navigation and communication equipment Price: $950,000
1500 HP TWIN SCREW TUGBOAT (Ref#4071a)
Built 1977, 70’ x 24’ x 10.5’, 7.5’ light draft, 8.5’ max draft, main engines (2) Gauscor 2F 240TA, ZF3200 gears 5:1, 4 blade SS props 64” x 46”, (2) 30 kw generators Detroit 371, electric/hydraulic steering (2 stations), 10 knots light speed, 1200 gpd fuel consumption, 15.5 ton bollard pull, Smatco 44D winch w/2000’ of 1-1/4” tow line, 300’ of 8” shock line, 18,000 gal fuel oil capacity, 450 gal lube oil capacity, 1,800 gal potable water capacity, 3000 gal wash water capacity, 99 GRT, 79 NT, 6 berths, galley, Axy/Acet, fuel transfer, external air start, safety equipment, navigation and communication equipment. Tug has passed her annual inspections so far and will have her internal structure and drydock inspection once it is in the water and can go up on the drydock. Located Southeast US Price: $1,050,000
1500 HP TWIN SCREW TUGBOAT (Ref#4071b)
Built 1972, 100’ x 25’ x 12’, 6’ light draft, 10’ max draft, main engines (2) Gauscor SF 240TA, R350 gears 4:1 ratio, 4 blade SS props 54” x 51”, (2) 30 kw generators Detroit 371, electric/hydraulic steering (2 stations), 10 knots light speed, 1200 gpd fuel consumption, 10 tons bollard bull, Seahorse DS-50 winch w/1300’ of 1-1/4” tow line, 300’ of 8” shock line, 27,000 gal fuel capacity, 250 gal lube capacity, 7500 gal potable water capacity, 19,500 gal ballast water capacity, 76 GRT, 51 NT, 8 berths, galley, fuel transfer, external air start, safety equipment, navigation and communication equipment. Tug passed her internal structure and drydock inspection. New Yanmar gears and engines will be installed. Once back in water will have annual inspection, passed all annual inspections so far. located US Gulf, located Southeast US Price: $1,450,000
1450 HP TUGBOAT (Ref#1670)
Built 1970, steel hull, 80' x 22' x 7', GWT 99, NWT 67, 28,000# bollard pull, main engines: (2) Cat D348, 45 gph fuel consumption, keel cooled, aux generator set (2) Perkins 6-354 20 kw, 6 bunks, 26,310 gal fuel capacity, 974 gal lube oil capacity, 3466 gal fresh water capacity, 328 gal hyd fluid capacity, located West Coat USa Price: $400,000
1400 HP TWIN SCREW TUG BOAT (Ref#4031a)
67.5’ x 24’ x 11.8’, main engines (2) Cat 379 diesel engine, 4.34”1 gear ratio, 10 knots cruising speed, 20 days fuel endurance, 25,000 gal fuel capacity, 4000 gal potable water capacity, (2) 90kw generators p/b Cat D330, (2) electric motor driven air compressors, steering consoles in pilot house and aft on second deck, SMATCO 44-HATS-100 50hp electric motor driven hydraulic single drum towing winch with 1600’ of 1-1/4” tow cable, (2) facing winches, communication and navigation equipment, last drydocked 2011, SOLAS equipped for 50+ miles offshore, has not worked since 2021, located Florida Price: $650,000
Built 1966, 75.5’ x 28’ x 8.5’, main engines: (2) Cummins KTA 19M3 (600 hp), (2) generators (1 p/b Cummins 4BTA and 1 p/b John Deere 4045), Twin disk clutch 5.17:1 gear ratio, (2) Quincy air compressors model 325 w/Wagner Ind motors, (2) 62 x 48 4-blade props, 20,000 gal fuel capacity, 400 gal oil capacity, Nabrico 40 ton hydra Electric winches, COI and Sub M expired, located Louisiana Price: $195,000
1200 HP LUGGER TUG (Ref#4133)
Built 2014, 68’ x 24’ x 8’ depth, 4’6” light draft, 6’ loaded draft, 19’ eye level, main engines: (2) Cat C18, (2) 30 kw Kubota generators, 9,800 gal fuel capacity, 16,000 gal water capacity, 4 berths, (2) push wire tow winches, communication and navigation equipment, located Louisiana Price: $2,600,000
1200 HP LUGGER TUG (Ref#3444)
Built 2013. 68' x 24', light draft 4.5', loaded 6'. Eye level 24'. GT 96. Main engines: (2) C-18 Cat. Approximate hours on engine 15,000. Generators: (2) 30kw Kubota. Fuel capacity: 9,800 gal. Water capacity: 16,000 gal. Capable of pumping water and fuel. Sleeps 4, plus 2 crewmembers. (2) push wire tow winches. Electronics, communication, navigation. Currently operating in Louisiana. Can operate in 4 1/2' of water, certified to do so. Price: $2,600,000
1200 HP TWIN SCREW TUGBOAT (Ref#3502) Built 1989, rebuilt 2002. 78' x 24' x 9.5'. Min draft 7.4', max draft 8.8'. 34' eye level. Main engines: (2) KTA 19M. Reintjes Waf 364 6:1 reduction gears. Fuel consumption 65 GPH. 5" stainless steel shafts, 63" x 67" stainless steel props in kort nozzles. Free running speed: 10 knots. Aux engines: (2) 40KW with 4-71 Detroit diesels. Tow winch: Seahorse 50. 1800' of 1 1/2" line. Capacities: Fuel 21,000 gal, potable water 7,000 gal, lubricants 500 gal, quarters 2-man bunkroom. Electronics, navigation, communication. Located US Gulf Price: $1,050,000
Built 1979. 59'8" x 20', draft 7'3". GRT 81, NRT 55. Main engines: (2) Cummins QSK19 Tier II. Reduction: TwinDisc 4.50:1. Generator: Isuzu 4LE2 21kw. (2) 3-blade fixed pitch propellers, installed 2012. 4" stainless steel shafts. Fuel capacity: 10,500 gal. Hydraulic fluid 600 gal. Hydraulic winch: Nor-Crane with 1500' of 1 1/4" line. Tow bridle: 7/8 x 31 wire rope sling * 6 by 9 class. Sub M compliant, ready to work. Located West Coast USA. Price: $725,000
Built 1967, 61.5’ x 22’ x 9.1’, 18’ eye height, 35’ air draft, main engines: (2) Cat 3408, Twin Disc reduction gears, 7.5:1 ratio, located East Coast US Price: $575,000
1000 HP TUG BOAT (Ref#3996)
Built 1978, 63’ x 19’6” x 8’, Sub M Compliant, COI Oceans, main engines (2) Detroit 12V71 diesels (engine built 1989), Twin Disc 514 4.5:1 gear ratio, 3’6” Aquamet shaft, 58 x 39 3-blade propellor, hydraulic steering, (2) 13 kw Lister aux engines, 4700 gallon fuel capacity, 600’ x 2” towing Hawser, 300’ x 1-3/4” intermediate hawser, 55 gallon hot water tank, electric heat, 4 berths, galley, safety equipment, communication and navigation equipment, new stainless steel exhaust system, pilot house deck and galley deck replaced with stainless steel, new stainless steel frame work and deck over 20% of bottom, replaced lower engine room bulkhead water tight door, hand rails and deck house edges replaced with stainless steel, mast and engine room vents replaced, vessel well maintained, ready to work, located New England Price: $760,000000
1000 HP TUG BOAT (Ref#4238a)
Built 1967, 70’ x 22’ x 9.5’ depth, main engines: (2) Cat 3412, drydocked in 2020 with necessary repairs done at a cost of $52,000, currently laid up and cold stacked (needs welding on fuel tanks – no fuel on board), located East Coast US Price: $125,000
800 HP TUG BOAT (Ref#4238b)
Built 1967, 65’ x 22’ x 9.6’, main engines: (2) Cat 3408, Twin disc clutch Model MG516, 20 kw generators p/b 2V71, 45 kw generator p/b Cat 3054, drydocked in 2018 with necessary repairs done at a cost of $68,000, currently laid up and cold stacked, located East Coast US Price: $125,000
Built 1960, rebuilt 2008, 47.3’ x 14.4’ x 8’, main engines (2) Detroit diesel S60, tier 2 rating, 4.59:1 reduction gears, keel coolers. 4” stainless steel shaft, port side and starboard side 3-blade propellers 90” bronze, 52 x 34” protected. Northlights 843 diesel with Delco 20 kw generator. Galley, head, crew quarters. Single drum hydraulic winch 1000’ x 1.25’ soft line. Aft twin rudders. 1860 gal fuel capacity, 35 gal lube oil capacity, 130 gal fresh water capacity. Communication and navigation equipment. Currently going through Sub Chapter M inspection and will be sold with new COI. Located West Coast. Price: $420,000
Built 1993. 60' x 20' x 9'. Operating draft: 6'. Eye level 19'. Deck space: 18' x 18'. GT 68, NT 54. Main engines: (2) GM 8V-92s, TwinDisc MG514 5:1, 50" x 40" wheels. Hydraulic steering. Speed: 10mph. Generators: (2) Isuzu-4JG1T & GM 2-71. Capacities: Fuel 10,000 gal, potable water 10,000 gal, lube oil 55 gal. Navigation, electronics, communications. Located Louisiana. Price: $325,000
Built 1980, 53’ x 22’, 6’ draft, 20’ eye level, main engines (2) 8V92HRS GM diesels, Twin disc gears 4:1 ratio, 30 kw generators p/b (2) GM371 engines, 10 knots speed, 28 gph fuel consumption, push knees, 81 GT, 55 NT, 7500 gal fuel capacity, 10,000 gal potable water capacity, 30LT deck capacity, 3 berths, laid up, located US Gulf Price: $440,000
Built 1966, 66’ x 22.1’ x 7.6’, main engines (2) Detroit 12V71 diesels, 5.16:1 gear ratio, 9 knots cruising speed, 20 day fuel endurance, (2) 30kw Delco generators, (2) 220V air compressors, 15,000 gal fuel capacity, 5000 gal potable water capacity, Capstan aft, facing winches, extensive steel work replaced topside, new watertight doors, electric wiring replaced, main engines rebuilt, recently drydock (spent $220,000), Sub M, COI, located Florida Price: $550,000
Built 1956, 61’ x 20.6’ x 7.2’, main engines: (2) Detroit 12V71, 5.16:1 gear ratio, (2) Kubota V330-T aux., 10,000 gal fuel capacity, 4,000 gal fresh water capacity, 10 knots cruising speed, 20 days fuel and stores endurance, Captain aft, facing wire rope facing winches, located Florida Price: $575,000
Built 1966, 55.6' x 19' x 7.5', 5.5' to 6.5'. GT 81, NT 55. Elevated pilot house. Total height: 38', eye level 28'. Main engines: (2) Cummins (twin 450 hp) with TwinDisc 4.59:1. Wheel: 48x44. Auxiliary: (2) Cummins Onan. Capacities: fuel 6,000 gal, water 5,000 gal. Lube oil 100 gal. Electronics, navigation, communication. Steel work drydock November 2020, Subchapter M. Located Louisiana. Price: $625,000
Built 1980, 55' x 21' x 6', GT 68, NT 46. Main engines: GM 8V92 diesels (2500 hours), Twin Disc 4.5:1. 4-blade 36” props, 4800 gal fuel capacity, ZF marine electronics throttle and shift controls, Detroit 371 diesel gensets, 2 winches on aft deck, galley with fridge/freezer, stover/oven, microwave and sinks. (4) twin crew berths, 1000 gal fresh water capacity, Boat was hauled Feb 2019: Scraped, bottom painted, new zincs. Work done on keel cooler, plumbing system, box redone, some gearing reworked, new tiller system. This will be an in hull rebuild. The shafts were recently done. Located Great Lakes. Price: $350,000
Built 1932, 64’ x 27.4’ x 5.4’, approx. 6’ draft, main engines (2) Cat D353, fresh water cooled with keel coolers, Twin disc MG521 4.09:1 reduction gears, estimated speed 10 knots, 11,000 gal fuel capacity, 114 gal lube capacity, (2) SS 58” dia x 50” pitch 4-blade propellers, (2) 30 KW Delco generators p/b Detroit 371, (2) Nabrico 10-ton hydraulic towing winches, wheelhouse with single berth and half galley, navigation and communication equipment, Sub M, located Alabama Price: $375,000
Built 1958, 72’ x 20’ x 7.5’, 6’ draft, double plated, 18’ eyelevel, 24’ upper eyelevel, main engines: (2) 12V71 Detroit diesels, Twin Disc MG514 reduction gears 5.16:1 ratio, 52” x 43” 4-blade propeller, 4-1/2” stainless shafts, generators: (2) 20 kw 271 Detroit, pilothouse, aft and upper stations, electric/hydraulic steering, (2) 20 ton Nabricos push gear, 6,000 gal fuel capacity, 120 gal lube oil capacity, 2000 gal potable water capacity, navigation and communication equipment, 2 staterooms, 4 berths, 1 head, electric galley, central air/heat, mechanically good condition, Drydeocked November 2022 at a cost of $512,000 in shipyard with new bottom, new tow winch, new wheels, new running gear, very good condition, located Georgia Price: $650,000
800 HP TUGBOAT (Ref#4083) Built 1957, 65.5’ x 20’ x 8.3’, main engines: (2) Cat 3406, Twin Disc MG5.14C 5:1, Twin John Deere 4045 gensets, COI (hull and topside) expires August 2026, annual inspected completed November 2023, located US Gulf Price: $275,000
Built 1999, 52’ x 15’ x 7’, main engine (2) John Deere 6135 Tier III engines (approx. 2000 hours), Twin disc gears 5:1, 30” 4-blade propellers, flanking rudders, 3000 gal fuel capacity, 5 gal lube oil capacity, 35 GT, 44 NT, USCG Sub M COI, located Northeast US Price: $325,000
Built 1974 - Rebuilt 2005, 2016 dry docking with close to $100,000 spend on sandblast, paint and refurbishing. 40' x 15.2' x 10' draft, 23 GT, 9 NT, 56 tons disp., 3200 gal fuel capacity, 110 gal fresh water capacity, 9 knots speed, (2) 475 hp Detroit 60 Series Tier 2, 20 kw generator, (2) Patterson hydraulic PTO off main engine, forward capstan - 10" dia hyd full set sling wire line/shackers/rope, accommodates Capt and 2 crew, USCG inspection up to dale, navigation equipment Price: $400,000
Built 1988, 68’ x 24’ x 8’, 5’ draft, 27’ visibility, 28’ x 14’ wood deck space, main engines (2) Cummins NTA 855M, 3” SS shaft, 44 X 26 wheels, 10 knots speed, (1) gm 371 30 KW generator, (1) gm 271 20 KW generator, 10,000 gal fuel capacity, 14,000 gal potable water capacity, 3 bunks, galley, bath, 2 crew, 87 gt, 69 nt, communication and navigation equipment, currently running, Sub M, located Louisiana Price: $625,000
Built 1972, 65’ x 24’ x 7.9’, main engines: (2) Detroit 8V71 diesel engines, 8 knots cruising speed, 20 days fuel endurance, 10,000 gal fuel capacity, 1000 gal potable water capacity, (2) 20kw 271 Detroit generators, (2) 220V air compressors, upper pilot house with 32’ eye level, (2) wire rope facing winches, drydocked 2012, wheels, shafts and cutlasses renewed and boat fully painted, currently working Florida Price: $350,000
Built 1957, built in Germany, Dutch Flag, 21 x 6 x 22.5m, Cat D3408, Mitsubishi generator S4, 6 berths, heating in commodations, push knee and A-frame, (2) forward winches for pushing, Located Europe Price $175,000 Euros
Manufactured 1935, 42’ x 14’, 6’6” draft, built for ice breaking, shell plate thickness ½” – ¾” at ice belt sheathing, Detroit 8V71 (300 hp) engine, Allison 4.5:1 ratio, 56” prop, (2) 250 gallon fuel capacity, 3 kw Lister air cooled generator, portable toilet, last survey 2020, needs haul out for paint/zincs and shaft packing, located New York Price: $20,000
35’ TUG BOAT (Ref#4173)
Hull 2008 but not built up until 2021, no hours, 35’ x 19’, Cummins QSM11 Tier 3 diesel engine, Thrustmaster 360 degree Azimuth drive, 20kw genset, latest electronics, ready to work, located California Price: $875,000
610 HP TRUCKABLE TUG (Ref#4154)
Built 2025, 25’ length, main engines: (2) Cummins QSB 6.7 305hp @ 2600 rpm, MD rating, peak torque 866 gt/lb @ 1700 rpm, Certification: IMO Tier II, EPA Tier III, Denso starting system, Twin Disk MG-5075SC gearboxes 2.88:1, 34” dia x 17” pitch propellers, 6 x 8.2 structural channel keel coolers, hydraulic steering system, 525 gallon fuel cell/transfer tank, pilot house 5’W x 5’6”L x 7’T (removable for trucking), truck cabin 9’W x 9’L x 6’T, (2) manual 5-ton deck winches, Flanking rudder 40 degree pivot angle. New build immediately available for sale with delivery March 2025. 30% deposit required to hold the tug Price: $420,000
600 HP TRUCKABLE TUG (Ref#4184a) Built 2015, 25.5’ x 18’ x 6’ max draft, 27’ air draft, 33 FT, 27 NT, main engines: (2) John Deere 6090 AFM85, Twin Discs 5091-SC 2.95:1 ratio, electric start and keel cooled, 10 knots light speed, 8 knots loaded speed, 10kw Kubota diesel driven generators, (2) 24” pushknees, (2) Berths in one stateroom, shower, galley, 1000 gal fuel capacity, 1600 gallon potable water capacity, located Louisiana Price: $425,000
26’ x 8’, Jet drive, runs but needs some wiring Price: $50,000
500 HP TRUCKABLE TUG (Ref#3760a)
Built 1997, 26 GT, 26’8” LOA x 14’2” beam, 3’6” draft, 13’1” eye height at 4’ draft, 19’9” air draft at 4’ draft, 500 gal fuel oil capacity, John Deere 6069 TFM, Twin disc MG5061 reduction gears
Bareboat Charter Price: $10,000 per month
Built 1990. 36' x 14', 4' draft. Eye level 22'. GT 16, NT 13. DWT 36. Main engines: (2) Detroit 671 diesels. Gears: MG 507 2.54:1. Generators: 40 Kva Leroy Somer generator, 2nd 15kw generator on rear deck (disconnected). Fresh water holding tank with pump. (2) 15 ton winches. Wheel house with heat, air, radar, and deck locker. Fresh water operation for entire life. Very good clean condition. No flanking rudders. Special features: Fire detection system, hydraulic safety backup system, manual backup system for steering, potable water system, on demand water power system connected to front of boat. Survey available. Price: $165,000
30’6”L x 14’3 , Twin 671 Detroit engines, 32 props, 26 degree 2.5” shafts, 38,000 lbs, removable pilot house, unknown hours and year of manufacture, No COD, nice shape and runs well, very clean Price: $150,000
2 available, built 1991, single prop, 25’6” x 10’ x 4.5’ draft, 5’ heavy draft, 3000 gallon fuel storage, prop (with cage) swings 360 degrees yielding excellent movability, single Detroit 8V71 diesel engine, hydraulic steering by Joystick controls prop to turn 360 degrees, separate control for speed, push kees, 8 knots speed, joystock controls direction, located Florida Price: $115,000 each
Built 1997, 78.6’ x 34.7’ x 9.5’, low draft, 28 net tons, 77 gross tons, accommodations: 14 (including the captain), 3 baths, 2 showers. Galley bridge/wheelhouse over catamaran style deck, (4) Lugger diesel engines 608 hp each, fuel capacity 3644 gal (2) tanks. Shippable by truck, comes apart in 9 pieces. Currently set up as a seismograph boat. Located Texas. Price: $325,000