


60’ x 28’ LIFT BOAT  (Ref#4200) 

28' x 60' x 6'-10",  4’10” hull draft", 6’ Safety Factored Draft, 7’ Air Gap, (3) 61'-6" Legs w/8" x 18" Pads, 60,000# Deck Load Capacity, (2) GM 8V92 Detroit diesel engines (300 hp), twin screw.  (2) Detroit 271 30kw generators, (2) Quincy F350 air compressors, 40’ max water depth, 50 kt wind speed, 5’ wave height. Jacking Specifications: 10’min max jacking speed, 25 kt wind speed, 5’ wave height. Transit 60 kt wind speed, 5’ wave height.  EBI C20 10-ton crane 55’, 14’ x 24’ cabin, sleeps 6, galley, head. Reconditioned wheels, rebuilt marine gear/clutch, torch tubes with bearings, rebuilt hydraulic motor/breaks, planetary gear boxes and parts, Pinion shaft/gears for gearboxes, spare pad for legs, (1) work barge 6’6” x 16’ x 18”, spare rebuilt Detroit 271 engine and radiator for generator.  Documentation: current COI, current COD, current letter of stability, Coast Guard approved. In excellent condition, ready for immediate use Price:  $470,000

64’ x 42’ x 34’ JACKUP BARGE  (Ref#3924)  

70’ overall length x 42’ overall beam, 6’ depth, 1292 sq ft open deck area (38’ x 27’), 40 mt max deck cargo, 3 legs (105’ x 24”), pads 20’L x 10’W x 1.5’ depth raked, 10 ton EBI hydraulic crane with 55’ telescoping boom, 5 ton hydraulic crane with 30’ boom, living quarters with 15 berths, central A/C, 4 heads, galley with seating for 8, main engines: (2) GM671 209 hp each, twin disc reduction gears, 30 kw generators, 1500 gal fuel capacity, 1500 gal potable water capacity, 200 gal lube oil capacity, 200 gal hydraulic oil capacity, navigation equipment, 6 – 6.5 knots speed, 80’ max water depth, located South America  Price:  $500,000 USD


jack-up vessel

Manufactured 1983, 79’L x 59’W x 8’H, open space 2800 sq ft, 192 GT, 150 NT, main deck carg o 105 (kips).  (4) 148’ x 42” legs (5/8” wall thickness braced), 22’L x 12’W x 24” depth pads (raked all sides), 70 ton crane with 80’ boom, 10 ton aux crane with 50’ boom.  Main engines: (2) 12V71N GM (680SHP), 3:1:1 reduction gear (twin disc ratio), 8 knots.  (2) Deep Well Pumps, (2) electric 400a welding machines, satelilite phone with internet, (2) 80kw Delco generators w/(2) 6V71N GM engines, 7500 gal fuel, 9800 gal potable water, navigation equipment, 28 berths (including boat crew), central A/C and heaters, Lounge w/Satellite TV, 4 heads, galley seats 16, laundry.  Maximum working depth 90’ (w/25’ air gap), Max sea conditions: 4’ hard, 5’ soft bottom, 8-10 fpm speed.  Working in USA  Price:  $5,700,000

40' x 38' x 3.9' JACKUP BARGE (Ref#3613)

Built 2009. Made up of (4) Ravestein 40' x 8' x 4' sections. Legs (4) 59' x 20". Deck load capacity: 5tons/sq.meter. Jacking system: Dual hydraulic cylinders. Perkins hydraulic power pack. Modular construction for transportation. Mobilization for trucking: (2) 45' flatbed trailers, (1) 60' trombone trailer, 50 ton crane. Located Panama. Price: $425,000