


130’ ABS/USCG SUB I 1200 HP LANDING CRAFT  (Ref#4147

Built 1978, 134’ LOA / 121’ registered length x 32’ x 8.1’, 4’2” light mean draft, 7’ 3-3/8” loaded mean draft, main engines (2) Cat C18 diesels with Twin Disc MG-5202SC gears 3.48:1 ratio, 10+ knots cruising speed (34-40 gph), 289.67 tons deck cargo capacity, 72’ x 30’ clear deck, deck crane, 22,000 gal fuel capacity, 5400 gal water makers (1400 gpd), 1882 bbl tank currently used for oil spill recovery, (2) 99klw generators, may carry 22 persons on board,  main house: 9 beds, galley, navigation and communication equipment, safety equipment, moon pool, current ABS USCG Sub 1, located West Coast US  Price:  $2,100,000
8 bed accommodation module available at extra cost
This landing craft could be converted to be used as an 1882 bbl oil tanker

100’ X 40’ LANDING CRAFT  (Ref#4054) 

Built 1979 / 1995, 100’ overall length x 86’ registered length x 40’ beam, 5’ average draft, 250 ton cargo tonnage, 90’ x 37’ deck area, 24’ bow gate width, main engines: (2) GM 12V71 850 hp, (2) twin dsic MG-514 rreduction gears 2.5:1 ratio, (2) fixed pitch propellers, (2) 45kw GM 471 generators, 7 knots max speed, 35 gph max fuel consumption, 35,000 gal fresh water capacity, 2000 gal potable water capacity, 7000 gal fuel capacity, 2 cabins, 4 berths, galley, max persons 4, 77 GT, work skiff, 4 ton crane with 30’ boom, located Alaska, Sub I and T  Price:  $750,000

119' X 34' X 5' (675 HP) LANDING CRAFT  (Ref#3723) 

Built 1955, US Army LCU, GT 186, NT 55, minimum freeboard 1’3”, max draft aft 5’3”, max draft forward 2’9”, last drydock 2016: spent $400,000 on steel work, (3) Detroit diesel 671 (225 hp each) with 2000 hours, 38 x 25” bronze 4-blade propellers, Magnum semi permanent generator 35 kw, dry type exhaust system, fuel capacity 13,300 gallons, potable water capacity 9,600 gallons, holds (6) 40’ containers and (6) 20’ containers double stacked, deck area 2,018 sq ft (main area), 200 tons deck cargo, raised wheelhouse contains engine monitor panel and manual style single lever throttle/reverse controls for each engine, mechanical steering, communication and navigation equipment.  Single toilet and shower with flushing water, black and grey water received in a 50 gallon CHT tank.  Break/recreation room and two bunk beds for crew rest.  Crew head/shower/laundry.  Small galley and mess room.  Water cooled air conditioner and heating unit. Bow ramp 16’4” wide x 13’6” long, clearance to the ramp between the fo’c’s’le houses is 14’4”, ramp operated by a single electric hoist system with 5/8” wire rope.  Located Florida.  Recently reworked, $400,000 was spent on the boat, all new 5/16” steel was added to the bottom, boat was sandblasted and painted, shafts reworked, props reworked. Survey available from 2017.  Exhaust on engine needs some work,  damage to steel (from using excavator on barge) all above water line, bottom is in good shape. Located Florida.   Price as is:  $275,000

135’ x 30’ LCU LANDING CRAFT  (Ref#3910) 

200 ton capacity, 3.5’ bow draft, 5’ stern lightship, (2) Detroit 12V71 engines, (2) Detroit 371 generators, weight 75 tons, could be flagged foreign or US, excellent operating condition, two available, located Belize  Price:  $650,000 each

135' X 30' SERIES 1600 LCU LANDING CRAFT  (Ref#3656

Built 1970, recently overhauled by US Government (cost in excess of $1m), 200 ton Capacity, draft 3.5’ bow, 5’ stern lightship, (2) Detroit 12V71 engines (1000 hp) with low hours, (2) 30 kw 371 Detroit generators, crew lounge, office, galley, workshop, head, shower, washer, dryer, crew quarters for 13, 2000# anchor/winch, clean inside and out complete but no radar or communication equipment, water depth required 3.5’ aft, 6.5’ stern, with ramp can load from land, member door is 25’ from bow, will hold (4) 60’ tractor trailers, excellent condition, in fresh water, located New York Price:  $700,000 

LCU LANDING CRAFT TWIN SCREW 119 x 30 x 4-1/2  (Ref#2989)

Built 1971, (2) 12V71 Detroit Diesels, (2) 30KW generators powered by 471 Detroit diesels. Hydraulic power anchor winch powered by 471 Detroit diesel with 2500 ton anchor. 2500 gallon fuel tank. Just out of drydock. Work done: Sandblasting and painting, Inspecting steel and repairing and replacing where required, Adding an additional spud well - currently 1 spudwell with hydraulically operated spud, Work being done on cabin. Price: $600,000

715 HP LANDING CRAFT LCU  (Ref#1547)  119' x 34', draft light: 2' forward, 3'6" aft, draft loaded 3' forward, 4' aft.  Displacement 180T (lt), 360 T (fl),  Cruising range 850 miles light, fuel consumption 34 USG/hr, capacities:  3700 USG fuel, total cargo fuel capacity (if all spaces utilized) 34,000 USG, 200 USG lube oil, 9564 USG fresh water, cargo space 52' x 29'6" x 4'6" H, additiona space forward 22' x 14'4", ramp opening 14'4", large size door for side loading/unloading, 300 passengers, main engines:  (3) 671 Detroit diesel engines driving 3 props, $700,000 spend in hull upgrades, currently working in Florida. Price:  $625,000   

152' x 34' x 8' LANDING CRAFT (Ref#2521)

Built 1992, modified 2006. USCG + ABS Certified. Hull ABS, 3/8" steel. Main engines: (2) 900 HP M.A.N. diesel. Generators: 28kW, 30kW, 100kW. Speed: 12 – 14 knots. 21' bow ramp, 130' x 32' deck area (3700 sq ft) 280 ton cargo capacity: (7) 40' trailers + (1) 20' trailer.  Fire pump, ballast pump, 7 ton knuckle boom crane, 12 ton telescopic crane. Capacities: Fresh water 16,000 gal. Fuel 36,000 gal. Located Alaska. Price: $3,100,000

LANDING CRAFT  (Ref#1616) 

Self-propelled, LCU, Built 2003, 5-1/2' draft with 200 ton of cargo, deck area 130' x 18', (2) Detroit 12V71 diesel engines (450 hp each) 1000 hours, Transmission: twin disc hydraulic MG51L 4.5:1 ratio, 3,290 gal fuel tank, 3,598 gal water tank, (2) generators w/371 Detroit 30kw, ramp 17' wide, speed 10 knots, keel coolers, 187 GT, 56 NT, Certificate of Documentation, ABS International Tonnage Certificate (can operate in most countries), located Northwest USA Price:  $500,000 

119' x 34' x 5' LANDING CRAFT (Ref#1984)

LCU, Built 1954, reworked 2-2-16, (2) 6V71 Detroit Diesels, (1) 6V92 Detroit Diesel, (2) 40' spuds, 14' gate opening. Just reworked in 2016, Including new shafts, new engines, new generators, new props, sandblasted and painted. Located West Coast. Example of shipping from West Coast to Port Everglades Florida, an additional $150,000.Price: $825,000

69’ x 22’ x 9.4’ LANDING CRAFT  (Ref#4116a)  

75’ overall length, built 1953, rebuilt 1978 with ongoing upgrades, 730 hp, 5’ max draft, 57 L/T light ship displacement, 111.4 L/T max displacement, (2)Detroit 12V71N diesel engines, 9-11 knots approx. speed, 3000 gal fuel capacity, 100 gal potable water capacity, 120 gal hyd oil capacity, 120,000 lb cargo capacity, 14.5’ x 42’ cargo bay area, (2) RSW tanks, 74,000 lb total RSW capacity, 2-level aluminum deckhouse structure with u0pper pilot house, crew quarts, galley, 50 kw JD generator, 100kw Cat generator, Rexroth 40 gpm pump, (2) cranes, sewage system, last drydock 2020, port engine rebuilt 2020, starboard engine rebuit 2016, several available, located West Coast USA  Price:  $900,000 or make offer


Built 1944, Rebuilt 1982, 15.9m (52’) length x 4.3m (14’) breadth, 1.3m (4.2’) depth, 60,000 LB capacity, 28 GT, 15 NT, speed 15 knots, (2) diesel engines, 7.0 knots, steel construction, hull good, sitting a while, engines not started in 10 years and should be replaced, 671 Detroits (can be purchased for a low price), truckable, approx 14’W, located Ontario Canada but US built)  Price:  $75,000

32’ LANDING CRAFT (Ref#4241a) 

Two available, aluminum, (2) 150 hp Yamaha outboard engines (approx 1300 hours each) and 3 axle trailer, located West Coast USA  Price on Request

14’ X 6.56’ LANDING CRAFT   (Ref#4174_LCM) 

Built 1953, refitted 1993, non-California compliant 671 diesels (used less than 300 hrs per year)
Located California Price: $78,500



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