Last Updated: 03/25/2025 11:17 AM

Ardco buggy rigs
Atlas Copco  Predator, RD20, RD10, T5, T4(LD)(W)(BH), T3W, T2W, trucm3, TH75(W)(E), TH60 (Bucyrus Erie 22W,36), TH55, TH50, TH40/Cyclone,   TH10
Atlas Copco ROC F9-11, ROC D3, ROC 812, ROC 642, ROC 400A, L8 DTH
Atlas Copco crawler mounted, ECM-695, ECM490, ECM450, ECM370, ECM350, DML, DMM2, DM-50, DM45E(HP), DM40, DM30, DM25, D3
Barber (Foremost)  DR40, DR24, DR112/24D, DR12/36D
Boart Longyear DB430
Buck Rogers 760, 160
Bucyrus Erie 2400R, 12R, 22W Comination cable tool/top head
Canterra CT-450, CT-312 CT-311, CT-150
Chicago Pneumatic / Reichdrill   RT-1800 (top head), 7000, 750, 700, T690W, T670 (III), T650(WS) (SL), T625, T600W 
CP/Reichdrill Crawlers: C700, C650, 450
Cubex QXR913, 1320
Davey MR8
Deeprock D150
Drillmaster DMAC900, DM400, 300, DM-300
Drilmax 450, 400, 350, 300, 180
Driltech Crawlers:    D75KL, C50K, D45K, C40K, C25KH
DriltechD60K, Marlin 5, Marlin 4, D40K, D35K, D25K
Duramast 100
DynoDrill Seismic drill
EGT VD7000, VD5000
Foremost (Barber)  DR40, DR24, DR16, DR12
Fraste FS250, MDXL140
Furukawa HCR1500ED, 1200ED, HCR900, 9ES, HCR9
G & R
Gardner Denver  Falcon 40, GD65
Gardner Denver Crawler Drills  ATD3700, 3500, 65, GD35-CHP, RDC-16B
GEFCO/Speedstar 200K, 185K, 150K, 70K, 50KM, 40K, 30K, 25K, SS-16, SS15, SS-1000, S-700, Stardrill SD300, SD200, SD50, SS50, 30AW, Ministar, StarDrill, Quickdrill DSI
Geospace 750
Geowelltech 3050R
Gil Beetle
Gus Pech GP900XHR, 600, 22R, 1100C, GP1000, 450R, Bantam 
Hardab 7000H-6, 7000H-3
HD Engineering HD325P revere circulation, HD120R
Ingersoll Rand  TH75(W)(E), TH60 (Bucyrus Erie 22W,36), TH55, TH50, TH40/Cyclone,   TH100(A), T5(DH)(BH) , RD10, RD20, T4(LD)(W)(BH), T3W, T2W, trucm3
Ingersoll Rand crawlers D3000, LM600C, LM(EG)500,  ECM-692, ECM-690, ECM-660, ECM-635, ECM-590, ECM-580, ECM570, ECM490, ECM450, ECM370, ECM360, ECM351, (E)CM350, DML, DMMXL1400, DMH70, DM-50, DM45E(HP), DM30, DM25, DM4
Jaswell J3500, J2400, 1200, 950
Mobile B40L
Montabert rock drill
PortadrillTLS, 10TL, 10TG
Quickdrill DSI, 275
Reedrill SD250, SK62, SK50, SK45, SK40, SK35, SKF, Terex R20C
Reichdrill / Chicago Pneumatic   RT-1800 (top head), 7000, 750, 700, T690W, T673, T670 (III), T650(WS) (SL), T625, T600W   
Reichdrill/CP Crawlers: C700, C650, 450
Robbins RTT-50
Rockbuster R100
Schramm  TXD200, T130XD, TXD90 Telemast, T985, T685,  685, T660, 555, 455, T450, T300M, T66, T64
Schramm Crawlers: T450
Seismic service rig
Simco 7000, 5000, 2800(HS), SK1-2400 (HT)
Sonic Drill
Speedstar/GEFCO 150,  40K, 30K, 25K, 15K, 1500TH, SS-16-THH, SS15 (II), SS-1000, S-700, Stardrill SD300, SD200, SD50, 30AW, Ministar, StarDrill, Quickdrill DSI, Failing F8
Tamrock  1100 Pantera, 800.2, Commando 300, CHA560 
Techno 410   
TEI TD75, T46, HEM1000, HCM550R
Versa-Drill V-2000, V-1555, V-1550, V1040, V100NG
Walker-Neer Apache  250-40, 150-25, CC2000, 1000

FOREMOST DR24  (Ref#749Rb)  Manufactured 1998, 1070/350 air compressor, Cat 3406E, PTO, mounted on Ford Sterling truck, recently overhauled including hydraulic system, defective hoses, radiator, oil coolers and compressor serviced  Price: $725,000
Also available:
Mack water tender with knuckle boom cane
1070/350 air compressors
Gardner Denver FXX FXN mud pump
Foremost drill pipe, 45 joints of 4-1/2” x 20’  
7” Reverse Circulation pipe with swivel and subs, 50 joints  
10-3/4” Beco drill pipe, 50 joints  
Cross overs, subs, cyclone, cement hopper

FOREMOST DR24 DRILL RIG  (Ref#6841T) Model DR12/26P-60/24-1070, Built 2006, 1070/350 Ingersoll Rand air compressor, mounted on 2006 Kenworth T800 (wide nose) triaxle truck, Cummins engine, 26’ top drive stroke, 20’ lower drive stroke, powerturn/extend jib, 10” discharge swivel, 6” casing adapter, 6” jaws (welder will be removed), rod tub available at extra cost Price:  $960,000 USD

FOREMOST DR24 DRILL RIG  (Ref#7925T)  Year 2020, Model DR12/26P-60/24-900, 6000 hours, 900/250 air compressor (approx 2500 hours on compressor), 500 hours on hydraulics, mounted on Kenworth 800 truck with Cummins X15 diesel engine, PTO  Price on Request

FOREMOST DR24 DRILL RIG  (Ref#2038Ta)  Upgraded head, rebuilt lower table, on Western Star with Cat C15 engine (2000 hours since C15 rebuild), 7500 hours on Sullair compressor, 44km on truck, good operating rig, full set ups with rods, handling tools, diverters, right hand drive truck located Australia  Price:  $730,000 USD

FOREMOST DR24  18” DISCHARGE SWIVEL  (Ref#3072Ra)   Manufactured 2005, used very little and in top condition  Price:  $20,000

System consists of Davey Kent tophead (upper drive) and CR26 (Lower drive) mounted on Soilmec R515 track mounted drill rig
CR26 LOWER DRIVE: manufactured 2018, can drive casing up to 26”, approx. 1,200 hours of total usage, 5,500# total weight, 180,000# torque, up to 120RPM, 1,400,000# static load
Comes with jaws for lower drive:  6”, 8”, 16”, 20”, 24” and diverter with 16”, 20” and 24” adapters , cyclone
DAVEY KENT DR-14HP UPPER DRIVE (TOPHEAD):  manufactured 2018, 3 motor topdrive, 500# weight, 3 speeds (75RPMs, 37RPMs, 25RPMs), torque ratings:  14,564# torque@25RPMs, 9,709# torque@37RPMs, 4,855# torque@75RPMs
SOILMEC R515 DRILLING RIG:  manufactured 1997, mounted on Cat 330 base with expandable tracks (3,000mm-4,100mm), Cat 3306 TA diesel engine, 137kNm / 101,000# rotary  torque (with original soilmec rotary head), telescoping kelly bar.  All parts are there to convert it back to a piling rig.
The unit weighs 105,000# in transport mode (CR26 lower drive is removed during transport)
Price on request

Angle package for Foremost (Ref#14205Tb)  includes stand which is mounted on trailer, includes 100’ sections of hydraulic hoses with bulkhead, mast is removed from rig and mounted on stand and runs side by side with rig.  Allows to drill at 25 degree angle  Price:  $75,000
Casing Jaws (Ref#14205Tc)  20”, 13”, 10”, 8”, 7-5/8”, 6”  Price:  $950 each
Jaws with Casing Clamp 18”, 8”, 7-5/8”, 7”, 6”  Price:  $950 each
7” Left Handed Casing  
(23) 5’ pieces – 115’ total
(26) 10’ pieces – 260’ total
(45) 20’ pieces – 900’ total
(51) 8” x 10’  pieces – 510’ total
8” Drill Pipe
(4) 5” pieces
(28) 15’ pieces
(2) 10’ pieces
Also available:  Discharge head casing adapters (20 different sizes), casing shoes, dual rotary 8” quill, circulating heads.

JASWELL J-1200  (Ref#7147N)  Manufactured 2001, 1050/500 Sullair air compressor, C16 Cat deck engine, 38,000# pullback, mounted on 2001 Paystar 5000 truck with 500 Cummins engine, 18 speed transmission   PRICE:  $345,000

JASWELL 1200  (Ref#1442T)  Manufactured late 1970’s, currently working, Detroit 8V92 deck engine, Sullair 750/250 air compressor, no mud pump, mounted on Mack truck with Mack diesel engine, automatic transmission, all standard features, welder, pipe, tools, ready to go  Price:  $115,000

FRASTE  MDXL140  (Ref#14082T)  Manufactured 2002, 4-speed tophead with side slide (10,000# torque), mounted on rubber tracks, 6’7” width, 6’3” wheelbase, John Deere 4045 (140 hp) diesel engine, 11’5” rotary head stroke, 17,000# pullback, 15,000# pulldown, 10” breakout clamps, approx 19,000# overall wegiht, 24’ height with mast up, multipurpose rig ideal for water wells, coring micropiles, soil investigation and drilling with fluids or DTH  Price:  $120,000

HYCAT TRACK MOUNTED DRILL RIG  (Ref#6866T)  onboard 25 bar (362 psi) air compressor, located Europe  Price on Request

600’ TRACK MOUNTED WELL DRILLING RIG (CHINESE MADE) (Ref#15459T)  can drill with air or mud, Cummins QSF 2.8 EPA certified diesel engine, 25 joints of 10’ pipe  Price:  $59,000

TRACK MOUNTED DRILL RIG MODEL ZY500 (CHINESE MADE)  (Ref#3605Tc)  Manufactured 2015, 2 available, 100 hours on each rig  Price:  $215,000 each

NEW 400C CRAWLER MOUNTED OR TRUCK MOUNTED HYDRAULIC DRILL RIG  (Ref#12929T)   New – never used, Cummins 6LTAA8.9 @ 360 HP, Sauer Danfoss Load Sensed Piston Pumps, Sauer Danfoss PVG Valves, 4 Speed Rotation Head 0-600 RPM / 16,000 Nm Torque, Rotation Head slides horizontally for casing installation, Rotation Head Tilts horizontally, Floating Spindle with 2.5” Waterway, 25 Tonne Pullback, Dump Mast, 20" Inch Diameter Through the Work Table, Breakout Ram, 8 x 7.5" Mud Pump (Made in India), 10 Tonne Single Line Pull Winch Mounted on Top of Mast, Manuli Hoses on All High Pressure Lines, 4 x Enclosed Outriggers - Can extend outwards so that a lowbed trailer can back under the rig.   Price on Request
Also available a more compact version with (2) 1000 lpm mud pumps in place of the 8 x 7.5" pump

REVERSE CIRCULATION TOP DRIVE DRILL RIG PACKAGE  (Ref#3475T)  Mounted on Ardco 6 x 6 buggy, Cat 3406 engine, 13 speed transmission (engine and transmission recently gone through), RTO 9513 gear box into sub drive box, Ramsey Model 800 winch, Sullair 750/350 air compressor, 30,000# pulldown, 53,000# pullback, 0 – 70 rpm rotation, 6280 ft/lbs, mast angle to 40 degrees, slides to ground, 1000’ depth capacity, approx. 1000’ of 3-3/4” x 15’ dual tube drill pipe, dual rear leveling jacks, 50 gpm Bean injection pump, 400 gal injection tank, Casing advance system with 100’ of 6” drill pipe  Price:  $375,000

NOVAMAC REVERSE CIRCULATION TRACK DRILL  (Ref#1520Ta)  Manufactured 2012, angle package, QSB Cummins engine (8000 hours), 41,000 lbs hoist, PLC control remote operating station, Hiab pipe arm with clamp, pipe loader on mast, hydraulic pipe rack (carries 200m of 4” RC pipe x 3m length), onboard rack stands up to 70” for easy pipe handling, floating spindle, 4500 lbs rotary torque, 3500 lb wireline winch, 1500 lb tugger winch, water injection, hammer oiler, cyclone  Price:  $350,000 USD

EDM (Exploration Drill Masters) 2000 SLIDING ANGLE MAST DRILL RIG (Ref#7472Tb)

Year 2010, mounted on 2019 International 7601 8x4 truck, set up for exploration drilling (5-150 rpm tophead in low gear) AND core drilling applications (150-1,500 rpm tophead in high gear), Max tophead torque 9,000# (800# torque@1,500 rpm), sliding angle mast which is capable of angles up to 45 degrees with 2,000mm mast dump, no air compressor, no mud pump, Cummins QSM-11 tier 3 diesel deck engine, 40,000# pullback, 40,000# main winch, high speed wireline winch for coring, FMC (bean) water pump (140l/min or 35 gpm), hydraulic rod break out, rod spinner with 11,000# breakout torque, approx. drill depths:  4.5” dual tube RC pipe – 350m, BQ coring pipe 2,800m, NQ coring pipe 2,000m, HQ coring pipe 1,500m, PQ coring pipe – 1,100m, overall weight without truck 22,000KG / 48,000# Price:  $685,000 REDUCED to $540,000USD


Year 2010, mounted on 2019 International 7500 8x4 truck, Set up for exploration drilling (5-150 rpm tophead in low gear) AND core drilling applications (150-1,500 rpm tophead in high gear), Max tophead torque 9,000# (800# torque@1,500 rpm), sliding angle mast which is capable of angles up to 45 degrees with 2,000mm mast dump, no air compressor, no mud pump, Cummins QSM-11 tier 3 diesel deck engine, 40,000# pullback, 40,000# main winch, high speed wireline winch for coring, FMC (bean) water pump (140l/min or 35 gpm), hydraulic rod break out, rod spinner with 11,000# breakout torque, approx. drill depths:  4.5” dual tube RC pipe – 350m, BQ coring pipe 2,800m, NQ coring pipe 2,000m, HQ coring pipe 1,500m, PQ coring pipe – 1,100m, overall weight without truck 22,000KG / 48,000# Price:  $685,000 REDUCED to $540,000USD


Year 2012, mounted on 2012 International 7600 8x4 truck, Set up for exploration drilling (5-150 rpm tophead in low gear) AND core drilling applications (150-1,500 rpm tophead in high gear), Max tophead torque 9,000# (800# torque@1,500 rpm), sliding angle mast which is capable of angles up to 45 degrees with 2,000mm mast dump, no air compressor, no mud pump, Cummins QSM-11 tier 3 diesel deck engine, 40,000# pullback, 40,000# main winch, high speed wireline winch for coring, FMC (bean) water pump (140l/min or 35 gpm), hydraulic rod break out, rod spinner with 11,000# breakout torque, approx. drill depths:  4.5” dual tube RC pipe – 350m, BQ coring pipe 2,800m, NQ coring pipe 2,000m, HQ coring pipe 1,500m, PQ coring pipe – 1,100m, overall weight without truck 22,000KG / 48,000#Price:  $685,000 REDUCED to $640,000USD

CUSTOM BUILT REVERSE CIRCULATION RIG  (Ref#7582T)  uses dual wall pipe  POR

UDR 1500 RANGE III DRILL RIG  (Ref#7776T)  75’ mast, 90,000# hookload capacity, Reineer 62 top drive, 44,000 Rexroth drawworks, mounted on 2004 International 5800I triden axle truck (525 hp), hydraulics refurbished at a cost of $175,000  Price:  $145,000
Also available:  Matco sub $35,000

Custom built in 2011, late model, 4G certified, built for purpose, small footprint, rapid mobilization- from arrival of first load at location to commencement of drilling is less than two days.
Trailer Mounted.
Can drill up to 12,000’ using 5” drill pipe and up to 14,000’ using 3-1/2” drill pipe
1100 HP Rig Power:  (2) 515hp Cat C15 engines
480,000# holdback capacity
80,000# pulldown capacity
35,000 ft/lb top drive rotary torque
65’ x 40’ drill footprint
Mast:  480,000# mast, 98’ H x 8’ W x 7’ D
Substructure:  16’ high hydraulic leveling, self-supporting (no guide wires) mechanical outriggers
13’ height under rotary beams, matting boards, accessories
(2) winches 17K; 6K
Laydown line
Topdrive Carriage
480,000# holdback capacity
80,000# pulldown capacity
35,000 ft/lb top drive rotary torque
4” kelly line
Hydraulic bail extension/retraction
Mounted backup clamp and guide bell
Work platform for maintenance
Computer controlled lighting system
Control System:
Full computer based control system
Capability of accurately controlling bit weight, ROP, rotary speed, rotary torque, auxiliary functions
Fault Management
Touch screen interface
Remote monitoring capabilities via internet
Self-reporting diagnostics
Automatic mitigation of fault conditions with minimal loss of functionality
Full WITS Communication
Mud System:
(1) 600 kw generator sets
Pits (like new):   
(1) 62’ x 11’6” x 7 – 500 bbl mud shaker tank with (3) partitions
               (2) 5” x 6” centrifugal pumps p/b 75 hp electric motors
(1) 55’ x 11’6” x 7 – 300 bbl mud suction tank with (3) partitions
               (2) 5” x 6” centrifugal pumps p/b 75 hp electric motors
               800 bbl mud system
Bop Stack:
Double ram:  13 5/8”
Annular:  13 5/8”
Accumulator:  Koomey type 80 6-station, 210 gallon accumulator
Rotating Head:  Washington 1500 psi
Choke Manifold 5,000 psi 4-1/16” x 2” and (2) 2-1/16” adjustable chokes
Gas Separator:  10” flanged flow line, 4” flare line
Accessories/Pipe Handling Equipment:
7,000# jib crane, winch boom, rotate
17,000# main winch
Racking board (racks 11,880’ of 4-1/2” doubles, folds for transport
Quick Change Hydraulic Power Slips
Adjustable Height Tong Pulling System with Torque Limiting
Power Tongs: Varco SSW30 and 13-3/4” D & D  Power tongs
Catwalk:  42’ x 8’ x 42” with walkway
4 kw rig lighting system
PRICE:  $2,500,000

PORTADRILL TLS  (Ref#7074R)  Manufactured 1981, 900/350 Sullair air compressor, 12V71 Twin Turbo Detroit diesel on deck (recently rebuilt), pulldown catwalks all around, 54’ 2-piece mast, swing out head, racking boards, 90,000# pullback, hydraulic breakout tongs, oil injection, mounted on 4 axle Kenworth C500 truck with Detroit 6V92 Turbo diesel, 22” retractable table opening, 7 hyd leveing jacks, foam injection, sandline, jib, 6-part 120,000# main block, 2000’ of 5” flush joint, bits, bailers, subs, 35 gpm Bean pump, 14 new tires and wheels  Price:  $295,000

PORTADRILL TLS  (Ref#15398Ta)  Modified for 20” casing, 900/350 Sullair compressor, 12V71TT Detroit deck engine, Noster top head and Noster gear box, 80,000# pullback, 90,000# downstroke, heavy chain, double drum (sandline and main line), 28’ stroke, mounted on 1982 6 wheel Kenworth with 6v92T truck engine, no rod box, no carousel, Cat injection pump, weight 80,000#  Price on Request 

PORTADRILL TLS PROSPECTOR  (Ref#12672Ta)  Manufactured 1979, top head drive, 4 part line on 60,000# main block, transmission on deck, 900/350 Sullair compressor, N14 Cummins deck engne (rebuilt), mounted on 1979 Paystar 5000 truck with DT466 engine, 4 speed transmission, brand new rear tires, retractable table,   
1982 Rig tender water truck (Ref#12672Rc)  2500 gal water tank, fuel tank, rebuilt engine
Approx 1500’ of drill pipe, 6” hammer with 6” bit, 8” hammer with 8” bit
Package Price:  $215,000

PORTADRILL TLS  (Ref#14682T)  Manufactured 1979, 750/250 Sullair air compressor, Detroit 8V92 deck engine, 60,000# hoist line, Portadrill 671 top head, 42’ mast with sliding table, electric oiler, 53,000# pullback, 9 gal Bean water injection, 5,000# sandline, water injection, mounted on 1978 International 5050 with DTi 466 (210 hp),13 speed transmission, 3 outriggers (1 front, 2 back),  currently drilling  Price:  $165,000
Pipe available at extra cost.

PORTADRILL TLS  (Ref#11056Td)  Built 1975, rig remounted and completely rebuilt in 2008, 5-1/2 x 8 Gardner Denver mud pump, 500 cfm air compressor, new oil coolers for rig hydraulics, mounted on 2006 Freightliner Classic, 12.7L Detroit diesel (420 hp) with Jake brake, 13 speed RR transmission, all new hydraulic hoses and hydraulic tank, all rig hydraulic cylinders rebuilt, tophead hoist cylinders rebuilt, rebuilt power diverter, new chain bearings and sprockets, new transfer case for truck to rig power, Noster top head (set up for 4-1/2” x 2-3/8” x 20’ drill pipe, hydraulic type D breakout tong, spare drawworks avaialble, new pulldown chains and sprockets, good paint, tires and wheels, like new condition, Price:  $400,000

PORTADRILL TLT 272  (Ref#8939Ra)  Manufactured 1974, 750/250 LeRoi piston air compressor, 41’ tower, 50,000# pullback, mounted on International Paystar 5000 with rebuilt Cummins 350, 8V92 deck engine  Price:  $85,000

PORTADRILL TLT 276  (Ref#8939Rb)  Manufactured 1974, 750/250 LeRoi piston air compressor (needs rebuild), 41’ tower, 50,000# pullback, Detroit 8V92 deck engine, mounted on Diamond Rio truck  Price:  $65,000

PORTADRILL TG600 DRILL RIG  (Ref#1184T)    Manufactured 1974, Noster tophead w/3” King swivel, Atlas Copco DT4 715/125 air compressors, Failing 5 x 6 mud pump with pit, 30,000# pulldown, double drum 2-part 5/8” drawworks for casing line/tophead w/brakes, Detroit 6V71 on deck, rod box and auto carry out with 11 pcs of 4-1/2” x 25’ pipe, 20’ stabilizer, (2) 8-1/2” roller cone bits, casing clamps, split breakout table w/Petol, Cat triplex water injection, 3” Versa-matic diaphragm grout pump, 250 gal fuel, tool and block storage, mounted on Crane Carrier with Henrickson suspension w/8.3L Cummins, 13 speed transmission  Price:  $90,000

PORTADRILL 10TG 600 (Ref#5940N)  Manufactured 1974, 256 S2 LeRoi air compressor, 5 x 6 mud pump air driven, 45’ mast, line oiler, Detroit 6V71 diesel deck engine (recently rebuilt), mounted on Crane Carrier,  line oiler, no pipe, good condition  Price:  $50,000

PORTADRILL 10TG  (Ref#337N)  Manufactured 1976, top head drive, 600/150 air compressor (overhualed, 6V71 Detroit diesel engine (overhauled), mounted on Crane Carrier with 450 Red Diamond engine, as is    Price on Request


SPEEDSTAR 150K  (Ref#9013R)  Manufactured 2003, Cat C15 (550 hp) engine, rebuilt topdrive, mounted on crane carrier.  Also comes with substructure  Price:  $450,000
Available for extra cost:
1996 International van DTT466 with Geolograph and tool cabinets with Miller 225 generator 10000 watt power unit
Sullair 900/350 air compressor trailer mounted
National C150 powered by 6V71 Detroit trailer mounted
130 jts of 3-1/2” drill pip double white 13.30# Grade E
(6) 5” x 30’ drill collars
2004 Mack Haul Truck and 40’ flat
Pipe racks, misc hoses, bits, subs

GEFCO 30K DRILL RIG  (Ref#4422T)  Manufactured 2016, Sullair 1000/350 air compressor, Moynco 3CL8 onboard hydraulic pump, 40,000 lb pullback, mounted on Peterbilt tandem axle truck, 6714 total engine hours, 4360 total compressor hours, approx 27,500 miles, 800’ of 4-1/2” (2-7/8 IF) drill pipe  Price: $815,000

GEFCO 30K-HD DRILL RIG PACKAGE  (Ref#7139T)  Manufactured 2014, 1050/350 air compressor, 1500’ of 3-1/2” drill pipe, 2020 Diamond C 25’ gooseneck trailer, misc parts  Package Price:  $775,000

SPEEDSTAR 30K  (Ref#5828N)  Manufactured 1987, 900/350 air compressor, mounted on Peterbilt with 400 Cummins engine, PTO, Bean water injection, single rod loader, sandline, bailing drum, hydraulic ram, breakout wrench, 3 leveling jacks, no pipe or tools, good condition    PRICE:  $165,000

GEFCO STARDRILL 100  (Ref#6549Tb)  Manufactured 1995, track mounted, 14-1/2’ stroke, set up for coring, 360’ NWJ rod, 3 x 5 Wheately pump available (but no installed on rig)  Price:  $99,500

SPEEDSTAR 300-100 DRILL RIG  (Ref#1532Tb)  John Deere diesel deck engine, mounted on Ford 9000 with Cummins engine, 300’ drill pipe, good condition  Price:  $69,500

GEFCO STARDRILL (Ref#6549Tc)  Price:  $180,000

GEFCO 22 MINI TOP HEAD DRILL RIG  (Ref#8633T)  Manufactured 2000, 200 cfm air compressor, 3 x 4 Tibban mud pump, mounted on Ford truck with DT466 engine, top head needs rebuilding, main pump is leaking, transfer case is removed from rig, switch driveline to drill, needs outer cover for mud pump.  New radiator on top drive motor, 30k top head and pumps  Price:  $110,000

SPEEDSTAR SS15-III DRILL RIG  (Ref#10501Tb)  Manufactured 1995, mounted on tandem axle International Paystar  Price on Request

SPEEDSTAR SS15-II  (Ref#7075N)  Manufactured 1989, top head, 5 x 8 duplex mud pump, 800/350 air compressor, mounted on International paystar 5000 with Cummins diesel engine, hydraulic welder, 400’ drill pipe PRICE:  $165,000

SPEEDSTAR SS15  (Ref#3446T)  Manufactured 1978, top head drive, LeRoi 256S2 air compressor, no mud pump, standard mast and pullback, hydrostatic drawworks, rod box, mounted on double front end in Crane Carrier with 300 Cummins engine, PTO, 4-1/2” pipe, bits, stabilizers, hammers  Price:  $120,000

SPEEDSTAR SS15  (Ref#13467T)  Manufactured 1978, completely rebuilt, Leroi 256S2 air compressor, mounted on Canadian Crane Carrier with 350 Cummins engine, new tires,  Myers 14 gpm injection pump, pipe rack, standard mast and pullback, 400’ of 4-1/2” x 20’ drill pipe  Price:  $195,000
Tiger Tierra casing hammer available at extra cost

SPEEDSTAR SS15 (Ref#9462N) Manufactured 1978, PTO, mounted on crane carrier with Cummins engine, extended mast, rig has Welco Beales casing hammer lift system, but no casing hammer is availale, 600/250 air compressor, sandline, mainline, casing line, retractable table, Cat water injection, chain pulldown, jib boom, breakout tongs, 3 hydraulic leveling jacks, hook & block, no rod box or pipe rack  PRICE:  $45,000

SPEEDSTAR SS15-III DRILL RIG  (Ref#9337T)  Manufactured 1977, LeRoi 256-S2 450/250 air compressor, 4 x 4 x 13 centrifugal pump (he uses for drilling), mounted on 1977 GMC 9500 truck with 290 Cummins engine, PTO, rod box, leveling jacks, no carousel, 300’ of 3-1/2” x 20’ flush wall drill pipe, good shape, running rig, handling tools, bits  Price:  $60,000

SPEEDSTAR SS15 II (Ref#4918R) extended mast, mounted on CCC with 400 Cummins engine, 256 Leroi air compressor, plumbed for mud, sandline, 5 part main, 2 part secondary, small swing jib boom  Price:  $80,000
500’ of 4 1/2” pipe available at extra cost

SPEEDSTAR SS-15  (Ref#14297Rb)  Manufactured 1976, 550/250 Leroi compressor (rebuilt), extended mast, mounted on Crane Carrier, needs work  Price:  $32,500

SPEEDSTAR SS-15THH DRILL RIG  (Ref#5497T)  Manufactured 1974, Leroi air compressor, mounted on 4 axle Crane Carrier, 350 Cummins diesel engine, PTO, Fuller transmission, rod box, no pipe included, currently drilling  Price:  $60,000

SPEEDSTAR SS15THH  (Ref#13286)  Manufactured 1972, 450/250 LeRoi air compressor, 5 x 6 Gardner Denver mud pump, mounted on 1972 Crane Carrier with 350 Cummins engine, water injection, 1200 casing hammer, 2 rear 1 front leveling jacks, includes 300’ of Mayhew Jr. 2-3/8” x 20’ drill pipe, good condition, currently drilling  Price:  $110,000

SPEEDSTAR 1500  (Ref#4612T)  Manufactured 1978, top head drive, rebuilt top head, 4” centrifugal pump, no air, mounted on 1978 International with DT466 diesel engine, manual clutches, currently working but needs some work, truck not DOT  Price on Request

SPEEDSTAR TOPHEAD DRIVE DRILL RIG  (Ref#12777Ta)  75,000# pullback, 4000’ drill capacity, mounted on Peterbilt truck, new Cummins 400 engine, hydraulic runs off truck  Price:  $65,000

QUICKDRILL 275 (Ref#2358RA) Manufactured 1978, PTO, mounted on 1987 International single axle truck with diesel engine, GD 5x6 mud pump, 185cfm air compressor, no rod box or pipe rack, 1 front & 2 rear hydraulic leveling jacks, needs work, mud pump needs expendables and gear work, air compressor not working, truck needs new rear end  Price:  $45,000

QUICKDRILL DSI 275  (Ref#3943T)  Manufactured 1973, 4-1/2 x 5 mud pump, 150 cfm air compressor, good drawworks, 20’ stroke, 3 hyd leveling jacks, needs to be remounted,  Price, as is:  $20,000

DRILLMAX DM450 DRILL RIG  (Ref#1386T) Built 2023 (took delivery December 2023), approx 1,000 hours, 500/300 air compressor. 4x3x13 centrifugal mud pump, 12,000# main winch, 1,800# secondary winch, 15 rod carousel set up for 3" drill pipe, rod spinner, rod box,  mounted on International 6x4 tandem axle truck with Cummins engine, automatic transmission, chrome wheels, come with 500' Mayhew Jr 3” x 20' drill pipe (new Dec 2023), manufacturer's warranty is valid until  March 2025  Price:  $815,000

DRILLMAX 450 DRILL RIG  (Ref#2102T)  Manufactured 2011, 5 x 6 Gardner Denver mud pump (installed 2020), (2) Ingersoll Rand 3:” diaphragm pumps, mounted on 2011 International 7400 6 x 6 truck, 16” rod carousel, 2 reels for hoses, toolboxes, main hydraulic pump replaced 2022, second hydraulic pump replaced 2024, head seals replaced 2024  Price:  $320,000

VERSADRILL V2000 DRILL RIG  (Ref#1033T)  Built 2004, recently reworked, 1070/350 Sullair air compressor, plumbed for hydraulic pump, mounted on Kimble Classic truck with Cat C16 engine, transfer case (upgraded to larger one), top drive rebuilt with 2 hydraulic motors replaced (500 hours), $50k worth of new hoses, replaced or repaired all hydraulic pumps (500 hours), joy sticks reworked, valves replaced, 95% tires, approx. 6,500 miles (they haul to location), all tools, slips and wrenches  Price:  $650,000

VERSADRILL MARK 70 DRILL RIG  (Ref#4853T)  Manufactured 2018, low hours,  600/250 Vanair compressor (plumbed for additional air and booster), 4x3x13 Mission Magnum centrifugal mud pump (also plumbed for aux mud), 18,000# main winch, 2,000# aux winch,  70,000# pullback, 28,000# pulldown, options include aluminum catwalk, auxiliary rod handler modified to handle 5.5" x 20' matrix drill rods and is mounted on skid,  Mounted on 2018 Peterbilt 367HH 6x4 truck with Cummins ISX (605HP) diesel engine and Fuller 13 speed transmission, PTO Fabco transfer case  Price:  $950,000

VERSADRILL 1000X DRILL RIG  (Ref#9222T)  Manufactured 2000, 750/300 Ingersoll Rand air compressor, 5x6 Gardner Denver mud pump, 40,000# pullback, no carousel (currently using 3.5" x 20' rods), rod box (can hold 500'), hammer oiler, water injection pump, 12,000# min winch, 2,000# sandline, mounted on International truck with Cat C12 PTO engine, comes with 10 joints of 3.5" x 20' pipe Price $235,000 USD

VERSADRILL V100NG DRILL RIG  (Ref#2781Ta)  Manufactured 2006, 500/200 air compressor, 4 x 3 x 13” centrifugal Mission Magnum mud pump (new March 2024), 25 gpm water injection pump, 12,000 lb main winch, 2000 lb aux winch, 40,000 lb pullback, 22,000 lbs pulldown, mounted on all wheel drive 2006 Peterbilt truck, Cat CF7 engine (rebuilt at 480,784 miles), (10) 3-1/2” drill rods in carousel, (5) 3-1/2” drill rods in rod box  Price:  $425,000

VERSADRILL V100 DRILL RIG  (Ref#12784T)  Manufactured 1998, Fully rebuilt 2024, 300/200 air compressor, Mission Magnum centrifugal mud pump, mounted on 1998 International truck with DT466 engine, PTO, 7 rod carousel (set up for 3-1/2” pipe) new cutch, new pipe, 4 hydraulic leveling jacks, Price:  $325,000

VERSADRILL V100 DRILL RIG  (Ref#4847T)  Manufactured 1997, Reworked in 2017 (at a cost of $50,000), 300 cfm/200 psi Sullair screw air compressor, 3 x 4 Mission magnum centrifugal pump, mounted on International 4900 truck with Navistar DT466 diesel engine, Spicer 7 speed transmission, Fabco 12,000 lb front axle, Rockwell 40,000 lb rear tandem axles, PTO, 31’ derrick 40,000 lb rating, (2) motor spur gear top head, 4 leveling jacks, 7 pod carousel, pipe rack, 12,000 lb main winch, jib boom, 4,000 lb winch  Price on Request


GEOSPACE H800  (Ref#2209T)  Manufactured 1980, 3 x 4 mud pump, developmental air, 200’ of 3-1/2” pipe, mounted on Ford 2 WD diesel (engine could use replacing but runs and drives)  Price:  $35,000

GEOSPACE 750  (Ref#13745T)  Developmental air compressor, heavy duty winch on front, 391 PTO gas engine in truck, Mounted on 1971 Ford truck, 2 rear hyd jacks, in Nov 2023 they started up the rig and replaced all the hydraulic hoses Price:  $27,500

GEOSPACE 750  (Ref#15249)  Manufactured 1970, 100 cfm Westinghouse developmental air compressor, 2L10H Moyno pump, winch on front, mounted on 1974 Ford F600 truck with 391 Ford engine (new 5 – 6 years ago), hydraulically driven,  200-300’ Mayhew Jr. pipe, stabilizers, bits, needs rotator and stater, freshly painted   Price:  $22,500

GEOSPACE (CAREY) DRILL RIG  (Ref#5865Tb)  Mounted on 6 WD International truck with 9.0 engine, air compressor, no mud pump, used for 2” wells  Price on Request

GUS PECH BRAT-A-SONIC DRILL RIG  (Ref#4855T) Manufactured 2008, equipped with Boart Longyear PS 150 sonic head (conversion done in 2020 including:  Finger board added with new jib boom, Boart Longyear jaws added, hydraulics upgraded to accomodate new head and jaws, feed cables replaced, new dum cylinder) Mounted on 2008 Sterling L9500 6x4 truck with Mercedes 12.8L engine, PTO, RTO 8LL transmission, Bean pump, Moyno pump, cold weather package, , coring attachment, elevated driller’s platform  Price:  $425,000

SONIC SDC390-14 DRILL RIG  (Ref#7929T)  Cat 6 cyl 6.6 Turbocharged engine, 12.3’ head travel, 22,600 lb pullback, 12,369 lb pulldown, max casing length 10’, Sonicor 50K sonic head  Price on Request

CAREY – none available at this time

DCI 140TH RIG  (Ref#5922N)  Similar to Speedstar (manufactured by Drill Concepts in Florida in 1990, 500/250 Sullair air compressor, 4-1/2 x 5 Gardner Denver mud pump, 30,000# pullback, 20,000# push down, mounted on Ford L9000 10 wheeler truck (floatation tires on front) with 3306 Cat engine, power divider in drive shaft, 2 hydraulic riggers on top of mast, 26’ mast, Bean pump, diaphragm mud pump, 3L6 Moyno pump, small welder, 18” table with bushings, 300’ of Mayhew Jr. pipe with sub, subs, set up with 4 stabilizers, single rod holder, dual controls, drills approx 100’ an hour, sitting since 2019 Price:  $170,000

G & R 4” RIG  (Ref#4655N)  Manufactured 1985, mounted on 1986 International truck 6.0 diesel engine, PTO, hydraulic walking beams, 2 x 3 centrifugal pump, 3” diaphragm pump, 125/150 air compressor, 3 leveling jacks, top head drive with swing out top head, 180’ of 2-5/8” pipe, mud tank, rig in running condition, needs some TLC  Price:  $45,000
Water truck available at extra cost

G & R TOPHEAD RIG (Ref#13910R) PTO, mounted on International with DT466E engine, 5 x 6 GD mud pump, brand new IR air package 185/150, 7000# and 11,500# winches, breakout wrench, 4 hydraulic leveling jacks, no pipe available, ready to go  Pricee on Request

G & R TOPHEAD RIG (Ref#13422Ra) Refurbished & updated, mounted on 2004 Chevy C-65 with C2 engine, rebuilt 4 1/2 x 5 mud pump, developmental air compressor, slide tophead, slide table, rod rack, 2 winches, walking beam, 4 hydraulic leveling jacks, 200’ of 15’ FDEP drill pipe, ready to go    PRICE:  $105,000

HURRICANE TOP HEAD DRILL RIG  (Ref#7621T)  Manufactured 1990’s, air compressor, centrifugal mud pump, mounted on Peterbilt truck with Cat engine, PTO, pipe rack, no carousel, 100’ of 3-1/2” x 20’ drill pipe  4 hydraulic leveling jacks  Price:  $75,000

EXPLORER 2000  (Ref#13126Tb)  Built 1980, low clearance rig, 12’ mast, bare rig with tophead and hydraulic centrifugal mud pump, no engine, sitting several years  Price:  $9,500

GARDNER DENVER FALCON 70  (Ref#7179Ta)  1000/350 air compressor, mud pump, Detroit 12V71 deck engine, mounted on International Paystar 5000 4-axle truck.  International Paystar 4200 flatbed water truck    Package Price:  $120,000

GARDNER DENVER 40 BLASTHOLE MUD ROTARY TOP HEAD DRIVE  (Ref#2957N)  Manufactured 1973, mounted on 4 axle Crane Carrier with Detroit diesel, 5 rod carousel    PRICE:  $38,500

GARDNER DENVER 40T BLAST HOLE RIG  (Ref#2904T)  Built 1978, 90,000# pullback, 600/120 air compressor, Detroit powered, mast will accommodate 26” x 40” casing, 3” plumbing and swivel for mud or air, originally built for uranium mining  Price:  $220,000

BUCK ROGERS - none available at this time

SHOP BUILT TOP DRIVE DRILL RIG  (Ref#12040T)  Built 1992, mounted on 1982 Ford F700 truck, Cat 3208, 1 winch, 20’ mast, Gardner Denver 5 x 6 mud pump, top drive and top end of motor rebuilt, all new hydraulic hoses and valves, Price:  $110,000

SHOP BUILT TOPHEAD RIG  (Ref#14010a)  manufactured 1982, hydrostatic, mounted on 1982 International all wheel drive truck w/DT466 engine, PTO, 5 x 6 Gardner Denver mud pump, developmental air compressor, breakout wrench, hydraulic pulldown, stabilizers, all bits, subs and tools, 400’ of 3-1/2” x 15’ drill pipe, excellent condition, drills daily  Price:  $80,000
1990 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE TRUCK  (Ref#14010b)  diesel engine, underbody air 125 cm  Price:  $16,000

SHOP BUILT TOPHEAD DRILLING RIG  (Ref#15499Tb)  Buit 1989, 160 psi piston air compressor, 2 x 3 centrifugal mud pump, mounted on 1982 International single axle truck with DT466 diesel engine, no water injection, no carousel, rod box, 2 rear hydraulic leveling jacks, stored inside  Price on Request

SHOP BUILT TOPHEAD RIG  (Ref#1882T)  trailer mounted, Kubota diesel deck engine, 2 x 3 centrifugal mud pump, no air, 4 manual leveling jacks, stored inside, 100’ of 10’ Mayhew Jr rod, subs and tools  Price:  $37,500

SHOP BUILT TOPHEAD RIG  (Ref#4073Tb)  no air compressor, 3 x 4 Cobra centrifugal mud pump, unmounted  Price:  $9,500

SHOP BUILT TOP HEAD RIG  (Ref#13506T)  trailer mounted, centrifugal pump, 4 tires, deck engine hydraulic driven with jacks  Price:  $26,500

SHOP BUILT RIG (Ref#15527R) similar to T64, Detroit Silver 92 deck engine, mounted on mid 1980’s International with diesel engine, IR 750/350 air compressor, no mud, water injection, pipe rack, 200’ of 4 1/2”  x 20’ drill pipe, sitting but running when parked, located Canada  Price:  $47,500 Canadian

SHOP BUILT TOP HEAD DRILLING RIG  (Ref#1167T)  550’ depth, 4 cyl Detroit diesel deck engine, Mission 4 x 3 mud pump (1 year old), Westinghouse air compressor, mounted on 1985 Ford truck with 6V71 diesel engine, PTO, no rod rack, 3 leveling jacks, approx 650’ Mayhew drill rods, casing adapters, drill bits, fishing tools.
Also included:  1992 International Water Truck, 1600 gallon tank, welding machine, 6 cyl diesel engine
Package Price:  $59,500

SHOP BUILT COMBINATION RIG (Ref#10457T)  Tophead/rotary, PTO, mounted on 1986 International with DT466 engine, double trans, retractable rotary table, 2 rear hydraulic leveling jacks  Price on Request

WATER WELL RIG (Ref#8570R) mounted on 1978 GMC, includes 1982 International water truck with 1000 gallon tank & aux. air compressor, pipe & tools   Price:  $80,000

WALKER-NEER 250-40 DRILL RIG  (Ref#1744T)  Refurbished 2000, (2) Cat C15 diesel engines (one powers rig, one powers HPU), pipe handling arm, currently reworking tophead  Price:  $170,000

WALKER NEER 250-40 DRILL RIG PACKAGE  (Ref#1042Ta)  Package Price:  $420,000

WALKER NEER150-25  (Ref#8196T)  Complete with mud pumps, doghouse, drill collars pipe  POR

ROBBINS RTT-50 (Ref#7165R) Manufactured 1981, PTO, mounted on 4 axle carrier with Cummins 350 engine, 800/125 air compressor (updated to 1000/125), 4 rod carousel, dust collector, 33000# pullback, 50000# pulldown, 200,000 ft/lbs torque, 38’ mast, rear cab, 16” opening in table, hydraulically raised and lowered drilling platform, used for large diameter blasthole, (3) joints of 5” x 25’ drill pipe    PRICE:  $40,000

HARDAB- none available at this time

SIMCO 5000  (Ref#15443T)  Manufactured 1996, 200/400 Sullair compressor, 10” diaphragm pump, MCM centrifugal pump (2 years old), 2 winches 10,000# and 3500#, new swivel, new bearing box in top head, mounted on 1996 Ford L8000 truck with Cummins 8.3L engine, PTO, 200’ of 2-7/8” dia x 20’ heavy weight FEDP drill pipe, mud pan, good condition, currently working  Price:  $135,000 USD

SIMCO 5000TR TRACK MOUNTED DRILL RIG  (Ref#3400T)  Cat D4 carrier on metal tracks, 10-ton carrier winch, Duetz 6 cylinder diesel engine, two winches, breakout hydraulic wrench, 2-speed rotary power head, small mud pump  Price on Request

SIMCO 5000  (Ref#6549Ta)  Manufactured 1978, Ford 300 deck engne, 3 x 4 Mission mud pump, no air, set up for water well and geothermal, 180’ of 3-1/2 x 15’ rod (2-3/8 IF), mounted on Ford 9000 with Cat 3406 engine  Price:  $48,500

SIMCO 5000 (Ref#4697R) Manufactured late ‘70s, PTO, mounted on Ford 9000 with diesel engine, dual topheads, 5 x 6 hydraulically driven mud pump, (3x4 centrifugal also avail) hydraulic cooler, no cathead, developmental air compressor, rod spinner, 4 hydraulic leveling jacks, rig needs new transfer case  Price: $65,000

SIMCO 5000  (Ref#8583Ta)  POR

AQUA BORE TOP HEAD ROTARY RIG  (Ref#7894Tb)  Manufactured 2014, skid mounted, gas engine, 100’ Mayhew Jr drill pipe, breakout wrench, 2 x 2 centrifugal mud pump, located Canada  Price:  $19,500 USD

AQUA BORE 3G DRILL RIG  (Ref#8031T)  Manufactured 2021, approx 210 hours, MCM 4 x 3 centrifugal pump, developmental air compressor, 23’ mast, mounted on 3 axle trailer, rod holder, bit holder Price rig only:  $82,000  Price with 300’ new 2-3/8 x 10’ Mayhew Jr pipe:  $92,000


DEEPROCK 250 DRILL RIG  (Ref#7321Ta)  Manufactured 1980’s, mounted on GMC Topkick truck, Speedstar top head  Price:  $45,000

DEEPROCK 155 DRILL RIG  (Ref#9723T)  Manufactured 2007, 4x3 Mission Magnum mud pump, no air, uses 15’ drill pipe, slide out tophead that makes capable of setting 20’ casing with 4’ clearance from the ground, mounted on Ford 650 single axle truck with Cummins diesel PTO engine, Otto rod handling system, jib boom, tophead, 4 leveling jacks, comes with 300’ of 15’ x 2-3/8 Mayhew Jr drill pipe, brand new 4x8 aluminum mud pan
Unit was overhauled in 2023 including drain/fill transmission with 50wt synthetic, gearbox drain/fill with 50wt synthetic, all hydraulic filters changed, rebuilt otto rod loader (new bearings, clamps and wear bolts), Tophead disassembled and installed new bearings and seals/add fluid plug sight and drain plug/refill with 80-90 gear lube, mud swivel rebuilt, rebuilt autobreakout system, replaced all mud piping with welded SCH 80 and stainless steel ball valves, install 4x3 mission mud pump and hydraulic motor, rebuilt mast lock, all new headslide machine bolts, many hoses replaced, 4 stabilizer jacks resealed Price:  $170,000

DEEPROCK DR150 DRILL RIG  (Ref#4816Ta)  Mounted on 2008 Ford F550 6 wheel truck wit 6 ltr diesel engine, 18,000 miles, 4 x 3 x 13 centrifugal pump, OTTO auto rod handler, 300’ of Mayhew Jr rods, mud tub and drill tee and mud shaker, drilled 5” x 300’ holes for geothermal  Price:  $95,000

DEEPROCK DR150  (Ref#2740T)  Manufactured 2007, track mounted, Perkins diesel engine, upgraded 4 x 3 Mission mud pump, pipe rack (holds 200’ but 300’ of 2-3/8” x 10’ pipe coming with rig, auto loader  Price:  $97,500

DEEPROCK DR100 DRILL RIG  (Ref#1829Tab)  Two available, 500 gallon on board tanks, 170’ drill rods, 32 hp pump motor 3 x 2, separate hydraulic motor, mud pan Price:  $55,000 each

DEEPROCK DRILL RIG  (Ref#5865Ta)  Trailer mounted, 16 hp gas engine, 5’ stroke, no mud, 150’ drill rod, 4 manual leveling jacks, limited clearance rig  Price:  $16,500

DRILL2WATER MODEL 84 TURBO  (Ref#7497R)  Manufactured 2009, Gardner Denver 2 x 3 mud pump, top head drive, Kobuta 90 hp Turbo diesel engine, mounted on tandem axle trailer, 300’ of 2-7/8” x 9’ drill pipe, 3 jacks  Price:  $75,000


SEISMIC DRILL  (Ref#9849Ta)  Duramast, Kaeser 210 cfm air compressor, Isuzu diesel engine, mounted on Morooka MST600VD  Price:  $49,500

SEISMIC DRILL  (Ref#9849Tb)  Duramast, 300 cfm air compressor (enclosed in steel protection case), Isuzu diesel engine, mounted on Morooka MST600VD  Price:  $49,500

SEISMIC DRILL  (Ref#9849Te)  Good for parts, has two masts, no air  Price:  $24,500

Duramast drill rig  (Ref#15608T) - POR

DAVEY DRILL (Ref#4917R) Manufactured 1981, mounted on CCC with new Detroit 6V92 Silver engine, open loop Sunstrand hydraulic system, swing out rod carousel, 256 Leroi air compressor, sandline, main winch, Holte 140 casing hammer system, all hydraulics & gear box rebuilt, 500’ of 4 1/2” drill pipe, plumbed for mud, rod box  Price:  $135,000

CANTERRA 450  (Ref#11327)  Manufactured 1991, Detroit diesel 285 hp deck engine, 625/220 GHH air compressor, mounted on 1991 Mack tandem axle truck with diesel engine, 5 x 6 mud pump, 4 leveling jacks, auger racks, hammer racks, good condition  Price:  $155,000

CANTERRA 312 BUGGY RIG  (Ref#5425)  Manufactured 1989, rig compressor and water tank mounted on separate buggy, designed to go anywhere.  Rig: mounted on 4 wheel articulating buggy, powered by 240 hp Cummins diesel engine, sliding angle mast, drills vertical to 45°, can drill to 1,000’, uses 10’ drill pipe, 3-7/8” diameter, air side inlet, reverse circulation package, 4” hammer, 1000’ of Matrix drill pipe x 10’, has been used in Alaska to the US desert.   Compressor:  900/350 Sullair compressor, mounted on 4 wheel buggy, John Deere log skidder C543, powered by 8V92 Detroit diesel, articulating.   Water buggy:  water tank mounted on John Deere log skidder 543, powered by 6V92 Detroit diesel.    Complete Package, ready to drill:  $525,000

CANTERRA CT-311  (Ref#4334T)  Manufactured 1988, air compressor, mounted on 1987 Volvo with diesel engine, PTO, 3-1/2” x 20’ drill pipe.  Includes 1987 Volvo service truck with diesel engine  Package Price:  $64,500

CANTERRA CT-350 MUD ROTARY DRILL RIG  (Ref#1520Tc)  Manufactured 1997, Gardner Denver 5 x 6 mud pump, Rineer sliding top drive (7500 lbs rotary torque), 28,000 lbs pullback, 35000 lb wireline winch, 12000 lb winch, mast has sliding base and wig wag, mounted on 2003 Sterling truck with Cat 3126 engine, rig is equipped with hydraulic coil, 250m 1-3/4” 1200 psi hydrauoic hose with spooler  Price:  $190,000 USD

CANTERRA CT-250  (Ref#12782T)  Mounted on AWD International 4900, single rod loader, pipe spinner, 3 hoists, cathead, 4 x 3 Mission Sandmaster, 3L6 Moyno, desander, 3.9 – 125 hp Cummins deck engine, 300 gal SS pan, 200/150 air compressor, new hydraulic system installed 2024 Price:  $155,000

GUS PECH BRAT  (Ref#5661T)  3 x 4 Mission pump, no air, mounted on Ford 8000 cabover w/210 Turbo diesel engine, PTO, 3 underbody toolboxes, (1) 3’ toolbox behind cab, ready to go, tools  Price $65,000
Available at extra cost:  400’ of 3-1/2” x 20’ drill pipe, (2) stabilizers

GUS PECH GP3000  (Ref#5563T)  Mounted on 1998 International truck with DT466E engine, 22’ stroke, vari-speed head: 30,000 ft/lb at 233 rpm, 10,000 ft/lbs at 100 rpm, mast extended on both rigs, hyd foot clamp, hyd breakout wrenches, hyd operated arms with winches, used for large core drilling  Price:  $115,000

GUS PECH BRAT GP1000 BRAT  (Ref#1064N)  Manufactured 1980, mounted on Transequip ATV2 axle all wheel drive, all terrain tires, Cummins diesel engine with PTO, 3L6 Moyno pump, 28’ mast, uses 20’ drill rod or auger, front and rear leveling jacks, high torque, drilling capacities:  with 4-1/2” auger can drill to 250’, with 3-1/2” drill pipe can drill to 700’    PRICE:  $120,000

GUS PECH GP-900R TOPHEAD DRIVE DRILL RIG  (Ref#9497T)  Manufactured 1996, 24,537 lbs pullback, 9000 ft/lb torque, mounted on 1996 Western Star with Cat 3406E engine, hydraulically driven Gardner Denver 5 x 6 mud pump, Volvo Penta diesel deck engine runs rig, has lift eye and lift sling, 300’ of 4-1/2” x 20’ flush joint pipe, air compressor available that could be mounted on rig if needed  Price:  $215,000

GUS PECH GEO SWING 600 DRILL RIG  (Ref#4816Tb)  Cummins deck engine, rubber tracks, 420’ of 3” x 10’ rod and 400’ of 4” rods, some tooling and water swivels Price:  $105,000

GUS PECH 450R BANTAM DRILL (Ref#11355Nc) Manufactured 2002, Cummins 4BTA deck engine, mounted on 1999 International 4900, 22’ stroke, hydraulic swing around jib with hydraulic extension, 8500# winch, 4 hydraulic outriggers, rod rack, toolbox, 4500 ft/lb torque, centerline 150psi/400 gpm pump, head completely rebuilt  Price:  $170,000

GUS PECH DRILL RIG  (Ref#10501Tc)  Manufactured 2009, top drive rig with 40,000# pullback, 200/300 air package, Centerline pump, mounted on 2009 Freightliner truck  Price on Request

BUCYRUS ERIE 2400 (Ref#4916R) heavy mast, 70000# pullback, 4 part main winch, mounted on CCC with new Cummins 400 Big Cam engine, 5x6 GD mud pump, (2) Leroi 256 air compressors, sandline, all new tires with flotation in front, Holte 140 casing hammer & underreaming system, 600’ of bottleneck pipe & tools  Price:  $175,000

BUCYRUS ERIE 12R  (Ref#7051N)  Manufactured 1975, mounted on Ford truck with 3206 Cat engine, PTO, 450/250 air compressor powered by 671 Detroit diesel engine, 10 gpm water injection pump, 400’ of 4-1/2” IF thread pipe,    PRICE:  $80,000

BUCYRUS ERIE 12R  (Ref#11961)  Manufactured 1972, top head drive, mud and air combination, LDS 100 air compressor, 5 x 6 GD mud pump, mounted on Ford 8000 truck w/3208 Cat engine, Bean water injection pump  Price on Request

SHOP BUILT TOPHEAD DRIVE/CABLE TOOL (20W) COMBINATION RIG (Ref#2012Na) Cummins deck engine, mounted on 1986 Ford L9000 with Cummins engine, 4 x 4 Mission magnum mud pump, 185 CFM air compressor, 360’ pipe  Price:  $60,000

SCORPION TRACK DRILL  (Ref#4763Tb)  3126 diesel engine (rebuilt), 900 cfm air compressor,  361 hammer, 8” wide, good tracks, complete, last drilled 2019, approx 25,000 miles, set up for T45, max diameter 3-1/2”  (3 parts rigs available at extra cost) Price:  $21,000

GARDNER DENVER 3500 (Ref#4601R) track mounted with Cat engine, good condition, includes parts rigs & tons of extra parts  Price $34,500

JOHN HENRY JH28 ROCK DRILL  (Ref#11892Ta)  mounted on Komatsu PC 120-3, engine needs work  Price “as is”:  $32,500

LEROY ROCK DRILL  (Ref#2582Tg)  track mounted, Leroi 175 air cooled Deutz diesel turbo compressor, Duetz diesel engine (air cooled), Atlas Copco rotary head / extra swivel, setup for air rock drilling, air drilling and mud rotary drilling, hydraulic breakout wrench, angle drilling, extra hydraulic drifter, boom extension, track escillation, feed shell dump, boom swing, feed shell pivot, housing angle  Price on Request

FUTROS  (Ref#3412T)  1985, mounted on 2001 Western Star with Cat C15 engine, PTO, located Canada Price:  $140,000 USD

DANDO MULTITEC 9000  (Ref#15055R)  Manufactured 2013, 20,000# weight, mounted on crawler base, 18’ height, 11.5’ travel, 20,000# hoist force, 13,000# feed force, double clamps 60m – 250mm diameter, FMC LO618 triplex piston pump (36 gpm/700 psi) for coring, oiler for DTH, 4 leveling jacks, cyclone reverse circulation, comes with 500m of 3” lightweight pipe (300m brand new), located Canada  PRICE:  $225,000 USD

HARDAB – none available at this time

Can Core Drill or Standard Drill
Manufactured 2006
Drill carrier: 6’ X 6 X 38’ pontoons, cabin – heated, AC,  swivel operators chair, deck and spot lights, full instrumentation, video/audio monitoring system, retractable stairway, Cat C15 engine rated at 540 HP @ 1800 RPM, Funk rubber block pump adaptor, 1500 liter hydraulic reservoir.
Self-leveling deck
Dog house 6’ x 10’ with custom control console, swivel chair, intercom to drilling platform, insulated, fluorescent lighting, electric heat. 
Range II single piece mast (pipe and casing) rated at 60,000 pounds with a drilling depth of 1000 feet and pull down of 20,000 pounds, twin hoisting cylinders on mast.
Conveyor belt pipe handler. Custom built Range II tubular (pipe) handling system with pipe rack, tilt and kick cylinders 
Ingersoll Rand TH60 top drive with link tilt capability, hydraulic elevators, hydraulic slips.
Warrior hydraulic wrench with 31/2 to 105/8 make/break out jaws with spinner.
Custom built Warrior coring winch hydraulically driven with Kobelt 15019 brake and 1000 meters if ¼ cable.
Gensco model  HG60 genset 60 KVA  driven by Kawasaki hydraulic motor.
PRICE:  $235,000
WILCO SUPPORT SYSTEM  (Ref#10143Nb)  Manufactured 2006,
Gardner Denver mud pump rated at 1.7M/3 min @215 bhp with conventional heads, pulsation chamber, Odrill relief valve, 3.0” mud valve, exhaust fan, mixing hoper, liner wash pump and lubricator, driven by Eaton hydraulic pump with gear reducer and rubber block gear box. Pump house fitted with core bench, storage cabinets, insulated, fluorescent lighting, electric heat, 20 M/3 four compartment mud tank, electronic float levels, Tsunami sump pump, Mission 4x3 pre-charge pumps, Derrick FC-313M liner motion shale shaker with super G agitator.  All ancillary equipment hydraulically driven off Funk rubber block four pump adaptor powered by C15 Cat engine rated at 540 HP @ 1800 RPM. Aluminum 1500 liter hydraulic tank. Operators cabin – heated, AC, swivel operators chair, deck/spot lights, full instrumentation, audio/video monitoring system, roof beacon, Retractable stairway. Aluminum fuel tank. Self-leveling deck. Pontoons 6’ X 6’ X 38”, four compartment, aluminum cleats, 5.0” chain.
PRICE:  $210,000  

SANDVIK TAMROCK 1500  (Ref#13874T)  Year 2006  Price:  $100,000

SANDVIK TAMROCK DX800 DRILL RIG  (Ref#496Tb)  Built 2016, 11,000 hours, located Middle East  Price:  $185,000 USD

TAMROCK 660  (Ref#14479Ta)  Manufactured 1994, 285 psi on board air compressor, Cat engine, HL 600 hammer, rod changer, track mounted, has 20’ mast, set up for T45 rod but can run T51 rod  Price:  $38,500
Rod available at extra cost

SANDVIK PANTERA dp1500i  (Ref#8211T)  Manufactured 2015, Cat C13 Tier 4 final diesel engine, Price:  $265,000

FURUKAWA 1500  (Ref#14730Tb)  new engine @ 10243, new compressor    PRICE:  $95,000

FURUKAWA 1500 DRILL  (Ref#4265T)  Manufactured 2006  Price:  $70,000

FURUKAWA HCR 900 (Ref#6081R) Manufactured 2005, Cat engine, angle capability, dust collector, water tank, no rod changer  Price:  $155,000

TEI HEM550 DRILL ATTACHMENT (Ref#15236T)  Manufactured 2011, remote control Price:  $125,000 USD

TEI ROCK DRILL  (Ref#7689T)  all hydraulic, 12’ stroke with sub, head new 2008, mounted on skid steer, down hole hammer, 135’ of 2-3/4” drill string  Price:  $40,000

SULLIVAN AIR TRACK ROCK DRILL (Ref#8028Tb) with boom extension, air/hydraulic elevation, air motor feed drive, Joy air drill head, ILMEG AS-900 dust collector system, located Canada  Price on Request

TAMROCK DHA HYDRAULIC CRAWLER ROCK DRILL (Ref#8028Tc) with CATERPILLAR turbo diesel engine, drill head, dust collector system, full cab enclosure with heat, 1269 hours recorded on meter at the time of listing - meter considered inaccurate, located Canada  Price on Request

GARDNER DENVER ATD 3100 AIR TRACK ROCK DRILL  (Ref#13607Ta)  16’ mast, boom, rotation drill head Atlas Copco DHR56A, air/hyd elevation, air motor feed drive, winch, 3.5” API, new track pads  Price on Request

GARDNER DENVER AIR TRACK ROCK DRILL  (Ref#13607Tb)  15’ mast, boom, air/hydraulic elevation, air motor feed drive, 2020 Canyon equipment Marini EP 120 air rotation head  Price on Request

GARDNER DENVER ATD-3100 AIR TRACK ROCK DRILL  (Ref#13607Tc)  16’ boom, air/hydraulic elevation, new track pad, drill head and components dismantled (rebuilding), air feed motor, Joy 280 hammer with T45 shank  Price on Request

CUBEX QXR920  (Ref#4496Ta)  POR

CUBEX 6200 TRACK MOUNTED DRILL RIG  (Ref#10088Ta)  Manufactured 1999  Price:  $370,000

CUBEX 5200 WHEEL MOUNTED DRILL RIG  (Ref#10088Tb)  Manufactured 1992  Price:  $315,000

FECON (FORMERLY DYNADRILL) MOBILE TRACK DRILL  (Ref#15578R)  Manufactured 2012, mounted on rubber track base, 300/175 on board air compressor, 100 hp Kubota turbo diesel, can drill up to 300’, used for getothermal wells and seismic drilling, 10,000# overall weight, includes 200’ of drill pipe, Sandvik hammer and bits, transition rod and auger  Price:  $130,000

ATLAS COPCO F9 TRACK DRILL  (Ref#6942T)  Manufactured 2011, Cat C9 engine, air compressor, good condition  Price: $125,000

ATLAS COPCO ROC D9-11 TRACK DRILL  (Ref#2007Ta)  Built 2007, Cat C7 engine, winch, Canada  Price:  $200,000 CDN

ATLAS COPCO ROC D9-11 TRACK DRILL  (Ref#2007Tb)  Built 2007, Cat C7 engine, winch, Canada  Price:  $200,000 CDN

ATLAS COPCO FLEXIROC T20R 4WD DRILL RIG  (Ref#2007Tc)  Built 2013, 82 kw diesel power, Canada  Price:  $238,500 CDN

ATLAS COPCO ROC D3  (Ref#14122Ra)  Manufactured 2006, 5m reach, Cummins QSB 4.5 engine, Atlas copco screw compressor  Price:  $90,000

ATLAS COPCO ROC-D3 (Ref#4891R) Manufactured 2005, track mounted with 4 cyl Deutz diesel engine, compressor, no rod changer, currently drilling, one owner, wants to retire, set up for T38 rods    PRICE:  $95,000

EPIROC 780 DRILL RIG  (Ref#571T)  POR 

ATLAS COPCO 842  (Ref#8071Rb)  includes 1238 hammer, John Deere diesel water cooled deck engine, Quincy 185 cfm air compressor, fuel pump needs repair  Price:  $25,000 USD

ATLAS COPCO 712  (Ref#8071Rc)  sitting a few years, good for parts, Deutz diesel engine with low hours  Price:  $12,500

ATLAS COPCO 812 PARTS RIGS  (Ref#8071Rd)  no engine Price: $7,500

ATLAS COPCO 1838 HAMMER (ref#8071Re) Price: $25,000

SURE STRIKE MODEL 4000 ROCK BREAKER ATTACHMENT  (Ref#14122Rb)  Manufactured 2013, 15,900# wieght, 52,000# single blow impact energy, 20 blows per minute, to be used with 100,000 excavator class  Price on Request

EVERDIGM MODEL T450 SELF-CONTAINED HYDRAULIC BLAST HOLE DRILL  (Ref#13967T)  Built 2018, set up for T51 tooling, 3” – 4-1/2” diameter x 84’ depth, 283 cfm/152 psi air compressor, 16.5’ folding boom with swing angle (10 degree L / 45 degreesR), lift angle 90 degrees up and 5 degrees down, very good condition  Price:  $95,000

REEDRILL SK62  (Ref#13808)  track mounted blast hole drill, 1200/150, 3412 Cat diesel engine, all hydraulic, heavy duty, bare rig    PRICE:  $175,000

REEDRILL SKF50  (Ref#13013Rb)  1050/125, Cat 3406, runs 6” x 30’ pipe  Price:  $140,000

REEDRILL SKF50  (Ref#13013Rc)  1050/125 Sullair, 3406 Cat, runs 6” x 30’ pipe  Price:  $140,000

REEDRILL SK50I  (Ref#13013Re)  900/125 Sullair compressor, Cat 3406, runs 5-1/2” x 30’ pipe  Price:  $65,000

REEDRILL SK50I  (Ref#13013Rf)  1050/125 air compressor, Cat 3406, runs 6” x 30’ pipe  Price:  $80,000

REEDRILL SK50I  (Ref#13013Rg)  1050/125 compressor, Cat 3406, runs 6” x 30’ pipe  Price:  $140,000

REEDRILL SK45I  (Ref#13013Rd)  1050/125 Sullair, 855 Cummins, runs 5-1/2” x 30’ pipe  Price:  $100,000

REEDRILL SK40  (Ref#6770R)  Manufactured 1985, track mounted, 750/150 air compressor, Cat deck engine, good running condition    PRICE:  $45,000

REEDRILL SK35 (Ref#13404R) Manufactured 1991, Cat 3408 deck engine, mounted on CCC with 335 Cummins (needs a little work) 850/350 air compressor, dust collector, 6 rod carousel, no water tank, 6 joints of 4 1/2” x 25’ drill pipe, 3 hydraulic leveling jacks    PRICE:  $37,500 OBO

REEDRILL SKF  (Ref#13013Ra)  1250/125 air compressor, Cat 3408, runs 6” x 30’ pipe  Price:  $150,000

REEDRILL SKF CRAWLER MOUNTED BLAST HOLE DRILL  (Ref#1952Tc)  Manufactured 2005, 1350/350 air compressor, dust suppression, A/C cab, 18” triple grousers, good condition, located Canada  Price on Request

REEDRILL SK-25  (Ref#13013Ri)  450/100 Leroi air compressor, 3306 Cat, runs 4-1/2” x 25’ pipe  Price:  $60,000

TEREX REEDRILL R30C  (Ref#12070T)  Manufactured 2007, diesel engine  Price:  $129,500

TEREX REEDRILL R20C (Ref#12575R) Manufactured 2007, cab drill with HPR 4519 drifter, Cat 312 undercarriage, Isuzu diesel 6 cyl engine with Gardner Denver Tempest 12 250cfm on-board air compressor, excellent condition  Price:  Canadian $250,000

CAT BLASTHOLE DRILL  (Ref#5672T)  Track mounted, Mach IV Sherman tank undercarriage, 6V71Detroit diesel engine, 600/120 air compressor, operator’s cab, rod box, pipe, bits, tools etc., sitting since 2019 but running when parked  Price:  $22,500 USD

EGT VD7000 CRAWLER ROTARY DRILL (Ref#7701T) Manufactured 1997, set up for jet grouting, 26,000# feed, 26,000# pullback, 28,300 ft/lb torque, 250 hp diesel engine, main rotation pump 5000 psi @ 34 gpm, feed pump 5000 psi @ 10 gpm, aux pump 3000 psi @ 7 gpm, mast length (hoist block installed) 40’6”, drill stroke 37’, 78,000# standard mast Price: $205,000

EGT MD5000  (Ref#3740R)  Manufactured 2001, track mounted, 30’ mast with winch for 20’ lengths, rotary head (rebuilt Rexrth A6VM80 motor), coursel rod loader, clean under carriage, tethered remove control, Cat 3056 6-cylinder engine, 2 front and 2 rear jacks, 23,600kg, sitting for a long time  PRICE:  $37,500

EGT 500 TRACK DRILL  (Ref#9447T)  POR

GILL BEETLE  (Ref#8019T)  John Deere engine, rebuilt 1997, track mounted, no compressor, some pipe in carousel  Price:  $29,500

GILL BEETLE TRACK MOUNTED DRILL RIG   (Ref#9760T)  Manufactured 1985, crawler mounted, hydraulic driven undercarriage, Detroit 353 diesel engine, 6 rod carousel.
825/300 VHP IR compressor with diesel engine mounted on Fast Track 2-axle trailer, good condition,
500’ of 10’ pipe
6” hammer
Package Price:  $49,500

GILL BEETLE  (Ref#14688T)  Manufactured 1990’s, track mounted 4 cyl diesel engine on fresh rebuilt, 6 rod carousel, approx 450’ of 10’ aluminum rods, 6 rod carousel, Price:  $64,500
Available at extra cost:  900 cfm IR air compressor with Cat 3406 engine

GILL BEETLE 136R (Ref#8564T) Manufactured 1997. Reworked. 100' hose reel, carousel holds 16' rods x 4" diameter. John Deere diesel engine. This is rubber track mounted. Can run with 750/350 compressor, or larger compressor for deeper/greater diameter holes, compressor not included. Price: $120,000

GILL BEETLE MODEL 300C ROCK DRILL  (Ref#2010Ta)  Manufactured 2012, 4420 hours, chain winch, rops, ac/heat, 4.5L John Deere 4045HF-485A engine, 160 hp, shoe width 14”, track mounted, EPA label,  ready to work  Price:  $285,000 USD

GILL BEETLE 200C ROCK DRILL  (Ref#2010Tb)  Manufactured 2009, 16,116 hours, Cummins 4BTA 116-2500, 116 hp, cable winch, 14” pads, track mounted, EPA label, ready to work  Price:  $100,000

BEETLE DRILL MODEL 150C (Ref#10409Ra) Manufactured 2001, crawler mounted with 4 cyl Cummins engine, cab & A/C, good condition  Price:  $90,000

GEMCO BUGGY RIG (Ref#6644Ra) Manufactured 1981, 453 Detroit diesel engine, 13’ mast, 4 1/2 x 5 mud pump, fluid end rebuilt with “0” hours, main winch, sandline, new motors on rotary and pulldown, 99% tires, some new u joints, fresh paint, spares,  300’ of 10’ x 2 3/8” Mayhew Jr. pipe, ready to go  PRICE:  $39,500

ARDCO TOP DRIVE DRILL RIG (2455T1), 453 Detroit engine, 4-1/2 x 5 Gardner Denver mud pump, 542 New process transmission, 2-stage hydraulic pump, mud pit
ARDCO DRILL BUGGY (2455T_2), Built 1979, 6 cylinder 300 gas engine, Moyno 8L pump, 353 Detroit deck engine, new tires
ARDCO WATER BUGGY (2455T_3)453 Detroit engine
TRANSEQUIP DRILL FRAME (2455T_4) clutch assembly, 4 good tires, no engine or transmission
GEMCO STRAIGHT FRAME (2455T_5) 4 speed transmission, 453 engine
TQ FRAME (2455T_6) 453 Detroit engine
ARDCO DRILL 453 (2455T_7) Detroit engine, 542 transmission, chain case, 4-1/2 x 5 mud pump
GEMCO DRILL BUGGY  (2455T_8) Detroit V8 engine, 4-1/2 x 5 mud pump, 4 speed Splicer transmission and transfer case, 3-stage hydraulic pump, rotary/gear box
ARDCO TOP DRIVE DRILL RIG (2455T_9) 453 Detroit engine, 542 new process transmission, 2-stage hydraulic pump, no mud pump, no rotary, no PTO
ARDCO WATER BUGGY FRAME  (2455T_10) 453 Detroit engine block, no head, chain case
GEMCO DRILL  (2455T_11) no engine, 4-1/2 x 5 Gardner Denver mudpump, chain case, hydraulic rotary, 3-stage hydraulic pump

ARDCOK BUGGY MOUNTED SEISMIC RIG  (Ref#5985T)  453 Detroit engine, American 4-1/2 x 5 pump, winch, 100’ of 10” pipe  Price:  $90,000

ARDCO BUGGY RIG (Ref#5613R) transquip topdrive, Cat engine, Leroi 256S2 air compressor, GD 4 1/2 x 6 mud pump, 300’ of 10’ x 2 3/8” Mayhew Jr pipe, currently drilling, excellent condition    PRICE:  $115,000

Ardco K 4 x 4 with C1000 drill powered by rebuilt Detroit 453 diesel engine, ties: 23.1 x 26 rice and cane grip, Ramey 700 winch with 5/8 cable, 4-1/2 x 5 Failing duplex mud pump, 542 new process transmission, chain case, Rockwell rear ends.  Well maintained and field ready.
Ardco K 4 x 4 with 800 gallon water tank, new 300 6-cylinder Ford gas engine, tires: 23.1 x 26 rice and cane grip, Ramey 700 winch with 5/8 cable, 542 new process transmission, chain case, rockwell rear ends, well maintained and field ready
Package Price:  $87,500

ARDCO C1000 DRILL  (Ref#8116Rc)  mounted on Ardco buggy with 453 Detroit engine  Price:  $34,500

ARDCO C1000 DRILL RIG  (Ref#8702Ta)  4-1/2 x 5 mud pump, no air compressor, mounted on International single axle truck with DT466 engine, PTO, 3 hydraulic leveling jacks, runs 20’ rods, no rod or tools included  Price:  $55,000

ARDCO 4 X 4 BUGGY DRILL RIG AND TRANSEQUIP WATER BUGGY  (Ref#4038Ta)  Rig has Cummins 5.9 diesel engine  Price:  $115,000 for both

ARDCO K1000 DRILL RIG BUGGY AND WATER BUGGY  (Ref#9885T)  Detroit 453 engine, Gardner Denver 5 x 6 mud pump, no air, and ARDCO WATER BUGGY with Detroit 453 engine, 750 gallon tank, both ready to work  Price:  $110,000

ARDCO BUGGY RIG  (Ref#2693T)  No mud pump (removed), mounted on 4 x 4 Ardco buggy with Detroit 453 diesel engine, 2 rear hydraulic leveling jacks, new pipe and bit  Price:  $57,500

ARDCO AIR BUGGY DRILL  (Ref#13566T)  LeRoi 50S air compressor, 453 Detroit diesel engine, top head drive will be installed and operations  Price:  $43,500

ARDCO BUGGY DRILL RIG AND WATER BUGGY  (Ref#5218Ta)  Rig manufactured 1973, Cummins engine.  Ardco 750 gal water buggy with Detroit engine  Price:  $112,500

ARDCO DRILL RIG  (Ref#893T)  Gardner Denver 5 x 6 piston pump, no air, all hydraulic, goes to 3-400’, 4 cyl John Deere diesel deck engine, mounted on 1999 International 4700 truck with DT466 engine  Price:  $54,500

ARDCO DRILL RIG  (Ref#142T)  5 x 6 mud pump, hydraulic tiling pipe rack, mounted on mid 1990’s low profile International truck with DT engine, 300’ Mayhew Jr drill pipe  Price on Request

ARDCO DRILLS  (Ref#9947T)  2 available, 4-1/2 x 5 Gardner Denver mud pumps, 453 Detroit diesel engines  Price:  $43,500 each

HILYARD/ARDCO  (Ref#6645T)  1985 International 1800 4x4 truck, DT466 Turbo, PTO driven Hilyard mast converted to Ardco controls, 4 x 3 mud pump, 2 x 3 spare, sandline winch, mud pan, 400’ Mayhew Jr rods, 5 Red Devil PDC bits  PRICE:  $53,500

HILYARD RIG (Ref#8116RA) 453 Detroit engine (engine overhauled with only 100 hours), mud pump removed, mounted on 1969 Chevrolet 4 wheel drive truck (not road legal), center section in derrick to allow use of 20’ drill pipe (bolts in so it can be easily removed), rig has been sitting since 2014, no pipe or tools available  Price:  $16,500

HIGHLAND DRILL/GEMCO APACHE 4 X 4 BUGGY  (Ref#12482T)  Ingersoll Rand 151 screw air compressor (rebuilt), 151 Cummins 8.3, Case J1-6T-830, Ardco drill buggy/tractor, bits  Price:  $40,000

TRANSEQUIP 4 X 4 BUGGY DRILL RIG AND TRANSEQUIP WATER BUGGY  (Ref#4038Tb)  Rig has 453 Detroit engine  Price:  $115,000 for both

HILYARD WATER/DRILL BUGGY  (Ref#2392T)  4-1/2 x 5 Gardner Denver mud pump, 453 Detroit diesel engine  Price:  $40,500

(2) GEMCO 3117 drill buggy  Price:  $150,000 each
(1) Hillyard D14 drill buggy  Price:  $145,000
(3) water buggy  Price:  $65,000 each

IVI PROPSECTOR DRILL BUGGY – AIR ROTARY/MUD ROTARY/AUGER/REVERSE CIRCULATION AND ANGLE (Ref#6092Ta)  Built 1983, heavy duty chains on mast/topdrive, engines updated in 2010 to John Deere 6081 diesels, 580/75 or 380/250 2-stage air compressor, Clark 4 speed automatic transmission, 100 gallon on board water tank, Bean injection pump, front winch,  dims/weight: 27’L x 8’4”W x 9’6” H 30,000 lbs., no tooling included (green rig)  Price:  $115,000

 IVI PROPSECTOR DRILL BUGGY – AIR ROTARY/MUD ROTARY/AUGER/REVERSE CIRCULATION AND ANGLE (Ref#6092Tb)  Built 1983, engines updated in 2010 to John Deere 6081 diesels, 580/75 or 380/250 2-stage air compressor, Clark 4 speed automatic transmission, 100 gallon on board water tank, Bean injection pump, front winch, dims/weight: 27’L x 8’4”W x 9’6” H 30,000 lbs., no tooling included  Price:  $115,000

IVI PROPSECTOR DRILL BUGGY  (Ref#6092T)  Two available  POR