



Built 1981, 45’ x 15’, 671 Detroit, 3:1 twin disc, 7.5kw Lester petter generator, double rig, single rig, shrimp and oyster dredge, skimmers.  Cabin with 2 bunks, sink, stove, shower, located US Gulf  Price:  $68,500

OYSTER BOAT  (Ref#4029) 

Converted ferry, 75’ x 30’, 2 outboard motors in rear, vacuum dredge, good shape, complete  Price to be determined


Built 1981, Completely Rebuilt 1997, 600 passengers plus 200 crew, 220’ x 48’, 8’ draft, main engines: (4) Detroit 1692 (complete rebuild 2022), (3) generators @ 325kw each, speed 10 knots, 12,800 gal fuel capacity, Dry dock inspection and COI in January 2023, located Northeast USA  Price:  $6,500,000


Built 1974, 65’ length, 6’ draft, fiberglass over wood, main engine Cat 3408 (425 hp), 6:1 clutch, 65 kw Perkins generator,  1500 gal water capacity, 4000 gal fuel capacity, blast freezer holds 14000#, Stroudsburg 518 triple drum winch, 3 A/C units, water heat, full electronics, located Florida  Price:  $150,000


Built 1962. 220’ x 44’, maximum draft 14’. GT 1705, NT 510. Range 9,000 nm. Main engines: (2) EMD Detroit diesels 12-567 EA-S (1245HP each). Cruising speed 13mph, max speed 16mph. Auxiliary diesels: 750 HP, CAT 250kw generator (in process of being fully rebuilt), CAT 250kw generator (good condition). Emergency generator 125kw with newly rebuilt Detroit 671 diesel. Bow thruster: GE 600 HP, articulating variable speed DC electric (runs off PTO from main engines). Capacities: Fuel 90,000 gal, water 13,200 gal, ballast 271 tons. Deck space 301sqft. 30' Pettibone 20 ton hydraulic deck crane, fully rebuilt 2007. 6,000 gal/day Watermakers. Trawl winch on deck with 8 miles of cable. Accommodations: 7 decks. Dining room with seating for 30, 32 staterooms (most have private bathroom/shower) crew bunkrooms. Located US Gulf. Price: $700,000

1142 HP PASSENGER / CRUISE BOAT  (Ref#1630) 

Built 1994, 177’ LOA (137’ LWL) x 40’ x 6’3” draft, 9’ depth, 99 GT, 67 NRT, 76 passenger capacity, 42 passenger cabins, crew accommodations (2) 6-person cabin, (1) 2-person cabin, (1) 1-person cabin, retractable pilothouse for passage under low bridges, extendable bow ramp, Vista view dining room and lund, canopied sun deck, tank capacities:  5266 gallons potable water, 7082 gallons F.O. wing tanks, 519 gallons F.O. day tank, 519 gallons lube oil, 519 gallons waste oil, 1400 gal raw/untreated sewage, 1400 gal treated sewage, 4860 gal gray water holding, (2) Man 571 hp engines, Cummins 150 hp bow thruster, generators: 165kw Cat 3306, 125 kw Man, 95 kw Cummins, 55kw Cummins, located NE USA  Price:  $2,100,000


Built 1986. Steel double decker hull. GT 99, NT 68. 91' x 23' x 12'. Main engines: (2) Detroit Diesel 871s. Generators: (2) 75kw Detroit 471s. Bar with two coolers, ice machine, 4 boarding points, main deck commercial galley, stainless equipment both decks, heated and air conditioned. Executive bathrooms, bridal room / crew quarters. USCG certified for 150 passengers. Currently operating. Located Northeast US. Price: $575,000


Built 2000, 95’ x 25’ x 12.5’, Cummins KTA38MO 850 hp engine, (2) Marathon generators 70kw, DGPS navigational positioning system, (2) air compressors, (2) bilger pumps, 27,000 gal fuel capacity, 7,800 gal fresh water capacity, 30 fishing nets, 30’ high mast, (2) 62’ outriggers, (3) 11 x 44 trawl boards, safety equipment, communication and navigation equipment, washer/dryer  Price:  $895,000


Built 1985, 85’ x 22’ x 11’, Cat 3412 TADI (630 hp) engine, (2) GM 30kw generators, air compressor, (2) bilge pumps, 23,000 gal fuel capacity, 8000 gal fresh water capacity, DGPS navigational positioning system, 30 fishing nets, 30’ high mast, (2) 55’ outriggers, (3) 11 x 44 trawl boards, safety equipment, communication and navigation equipment, washer/dryer  Price:  $795,000


Built 1978, 85’ x 22’ x 11’, Cat 3412 TADI (630 hp) engine, (2) GM 30kw generators, air compressor, (2) bilge pumps, 23,000 gal fuel capacity, 8000 gal fresh water capacity, DGPS navigational positioning system, 30 fishing nets, 30’ high mast, (2) 55’ outriggers, (3) 11 x 44 trawl boards, safety equipment, communication and navigation equipment, washer/dryer  Price:  $695,000


Built 1969 Belgium. Converted , new wheelhouse and lengthened 1992. Dims 10.50 x 3.30 m – draft 0.85 m – airdraft 3.9 m, Steel hull. Aft deck with trawling winch , shrimpcleaning machine, Bunker cap 1.000 ltrs. DAF type 575 – 105 hp – 12 and 24 Volt, Speed 8 knots. 2 berths, Cooking plate. Echosounder Eagle Ultra Classic, Autopilot: Autohelm 3000, GPS: 2 x Garmin 120 xl and Furuno gp32,Chartplotter: Raytheon rc 630, Radar: Furuno, VHF  Shipmate – compasscx800. Weight about 7 tons. Price:  €65,000 (Euros)


Built 1973, Refitted 2005 – 2013. 84.5’ x 20.4’ x 9’ draft. Heavily constructed, converted from Ocean Going Steel Trawler. All new aluminum super-structure. SS Stanchions and Bulwarks. New decks. Complete electronics and controls. 100% beefed-up retrofit. Main engine: Baudouin B12P15  430 HP driving 15:1 Baudouin main gear, 4 blade propeller. Engine has less than 1000 hours on 100% overhaul. 3 generators, Perkins 4.2/40kva, Kubota 19kw. Tankage 70,000 liters fuel, range 2400 nautical miles at 8.5knots. 6,000 liter freshwater, 4,000 liter blackwater, 500 liter fuel oil, 200 liter slop tank. Salon area for 8, galley. Located Caribbean. Price: $825,000

75 PASSENGER 75’ BOAT  (Ref#2731) 

Built 2003. Current COI good for 100 miles in ocean. (3) Detroit 60 Series engines, 825 HP. (3) Hamilton water jets, 5’ draft, fiberglass hull, fiberglass panels on outside and inside with 1” foam layer in-between. Inside of boat is fiberglass with heavy-duty fiberglass.  (2) 22kw generators, double electronics in wheel house, 20 knots cruise, 26 knots top speed.  Price: $510,000

800 HP DINNER / CRUISE BOAT  (Ref#1628

Built 2005, 2 decked – steel hulled, 150 passenger, 80’ x 30’ x 5’, 91 GT, 61 NT, ABS loadline, capacities:  900 gal fresh water, 525 gal grey water, 525 gal black water, 175 gal lube oil, 1200 gal fuel, main engines (2) 400 hp Man engines, (2) twin disc #518 Marine gears 3:1 reduction, (2) 96 kw Northern lights generator, speed 10 knots, 15 knots top speed, full galley, fire protection and life saving, navigation and electronics equipment, located Northeast USA  Price: $1,275,000

111’ PADDLEWHEEL BOAT (Ref#1674)  Paddle hydraulically operated, built 1987, 111’ x 28’, COI, 170 passengers, located Northeast  Price:  $650,000


Built 1970, 75’ x 19’, Mock-paddlewheel. Paddlewheel is removed but available. steel double decks with hot air heat. 49 passenger, 12.5 kw gen set, (2) Detroit 371 diesel engines (170 hp), (2) VHF’s, radar/chart plotter, depth finder, rudder indicator, PA system, full bar, ice machine, great condition. Located New York. Price:  $190,000


160’ x 24’ x 12’, 20 individual cabins with private bath, climate control, satellite TV, porthole with ocean view in each cabin, salon and bar w/flat screen TV, full deck with hot water spa, large inflatable launch  Price:  $4,975,000




Let us know if you have any vessels, barges, dredges or related equipment for sale.

Keep us in your files for any equipment that may become available in the future.