Last Updated: 03/13/2025 11:17 AM


Challenger SDR-361, 360
Kremco   K750T, 600
Crane Carrier Corsair 300, W3284A
Cameron 400
Taylor TI500, RT4000, 1000, 400
Mountain 250
Rykar Workover rig
Universal well service rig
Lanco well service rig
AGBO G1000


CHALLENGER 360 DRILL RIG (Ref#836T)  Challenger 360 drawworks (500 HP) (rated to 6,500' with 4 1/2" drill pipe), (1) Series 60 12.7 liter 500 HP, Challenger 200 - 84' H - 300,000# SHL derrick,, 10' adjustable substructure, HT - 18" x 44" rotary table, Not used since 2018.  Price:  $250,000  Price with Venturetech top drive:  $315,000

CHALLENGER DRILLING RIG  (Ref#4787T)  Manufactured 1979, mounted on International Paystar 5000 with 350 Big Cam Cummins engine, PTO, centrifugal mud pump, pipe rack, 3-1/2IF 20’ drill pipe, currently drilling.  Also includes unounted Gardner Denver 5-1/2 x 8 mud pump  Price:  $144,500

DRILLER’S FRIEND DRILL RIG PACKAGE  (Ref#1103T)  Manufactured 1984, complete rig, 4000’ depth, 56’ x 240,000# derrick, double drum drawworks, Detroit 8V92 engine, Allison 750 transmission, double 15 hydromatic brakes, Hacker 15” rotary table, Oilwell 214P mud pump powered by Cummins 400 motor, 90 bbl pre mix tank with Perkins diesel and 11” centrifugal pump, 55’ trailer mounted doghouse (loaded with everything you need to work), 45’ utility trailer with 20 kw generator, 500 gallon fuel tank, BOP, 4 x 6 knack job box, Skid mounted Geo Shake 30’ x 8’ with bed, fridge and table.  3 pipe baskets w/approx. 2000’ of 34-1/2 X-Hole drill pipe, (8) 6-1/4” collars (4-1/2 X-hole), 500 bbl frack tank, stacked, last used 2019.  Manufactured by Norman Michael in Iola, Kansas (10 rigs built) similar to a Challenger rig   Price:  $275,000

KREMCO 600 (Ref#13698R) mounted on 5 axle carrier, Detroit 60 series engine, 108' 275000# derrick, fully rebuilt  Price on Request

KREMCO 600 (Ref#13699R) mounted on 5 axle carrier, Detroit 60 series engine, 108' 275000# derrick, fully rebuilt  Price on request

KREMCO K600 SKID DOUBLE CLASS III (Ref#13710R) five axle, self propelled, double drum back-in rig, 4200m x 73mm tubing and 3000m sucker rods, Ideco 110 ton Shorty traveling blocks, 1" drilling line, 4000m x 12,7mm swedge sandline, hydraulic weight indicator, dual winches  Price on request

KREMCO 600 (Ref#13716R) 5 axle carrier, Detroit 60 series engine, 108' 275000# derrick, fully rebuilt  Price on request

KREMCO 600 WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#716N)  Manufactured 1991 (not used until 2005), 38 x 10 double drum, engine was removed, Allison 750 transmission, 18" twin disc clutches, 48" double disc brake assist on main drum, water mist on both mai and sandline drums, main drum has 7/8" Lebus grooving, 104' x 240,000# mast, tubing board, rod basket, 13,500' of sandline, 875' of 7/8" swedgeline, 100 ton SOWA block, all mounted on tandem axle trailer  PRICE:  $325,000


CRANE CARRIER CORSAIR WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#605T)  Detroit 60 Series engine, fully tooled  Price:  $420,000

CORSAIR W3284A BACKIN WELL SERVICE RIG  (Ref#8668Ra)  Manufactured 1980, double drum, Detroit Series 60 diesel engine, Allison 5860 transmission, 122 brake, 110' x 275,000# 4 leg hydraulically raised and scoped mast, rod and tubing boards, work platform, mounted on 5 axle Crane Carrier, utility winch, new cab, drawworks brakes refurbished  Price:  $350,000

CORSAIR CRANE CARRIER W3284C  (Ref#1683Rc) Series 60 Detroit Diesel, 3180 Allison transmission, 96'- 215,000# mast & 42X12-42X8 Drawworks  Price:  $295,000

CRANE CARRIER WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#11778Rc)  Manufactured 1979, 96' x 215,000# CC mast, Detroit 7V81 Turbo diesel engine (new), Allison 5860 transmission (new) , fully tooled, no BOP    Price:  $350,000

CRANE CARRIER WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#11778Rd)  Manufactured 1979, 96' x 215,000# CC mast, Detroit 60 Series engine, Allison 5860 transmission, no pickup, no doghouse  Price:  $275,000

CRANE CARRIER WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#11779Ra)  Manufactured 1979, 96' x 215,000# CC mast, Detroit 60 Series engine, Allison 5860 transmission, no pickup, no doghouse  Price:  $275,000

CRANE CARRIER WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#148Ta)  Manufactured 1980, 96’ x 180,000# mast, Detroit 60 Series engine, Allison 5860 transmission, air over hydraulics, 650’ of 1” mainline, 10,000’ of 9/16” sandline, rig working daily  Price:  $290,000

CRANE CARRIER WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#1042Tb)  Manufactured 1980, reserved in 2014, 96’ derrick, mounted on 5 axle carrier, double drum  Price:  $300,000

CRANE CARRIER WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#685T)  Rebuilt 2010 to Level IV, Double drum drawworks, Detroit 6V53 diesel engine, Allison 5860 3-speed transmission, 60’ x 100,000# stiff mast derrick, 4 lines with 4’ well spacing, 35-ton McKissick block and hook (2) 17” sheaves 7/8” wire, 75-ton elevator bails with 25-ton elevator pickup adapter, working floor, stairs, handrails, lights, 20’ lubricator, 5000 winch with hook, tandem axle single steer drive carrier, located Canada  Price:  $145,000 USD

CRANE CARRIER 180 (Ref#7562Tc)  Price:  $27,500

CAMERON 550 WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#2040Tc)  110' x 250,000# Cooper derrick, Detroit 60 Series engine, 6061 Allison transmission, 6 axle Pettibone carrier, 3 front and 3 rear axles, drop box converted to air control, tubing drum, sand drum, 24" Wichita clutches  Price:  $315,000

CAMERON  (Ref#2572T)  Built 2008, 110' mast, Cummins diesel  POR

MESA WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#148Tb)  Manufactured 1980, 96’ x 180,000# mast, 8V92 Detroit Diesel engine, air over hydraulics, 650' of 1" mainline, 15,000' of 9/16" sandline, needs new compressor for engine and new rear end, sitting 4 years  Price:  $95,000

TAYLOR DS500 WELL SERVICE RIG  (Ref#9956Ta)  Manufactured 2009, Drawworks Model DD42-154HD, 9/16" sand drum wireline size, 42" sand drum brake szie, 1" Lebus Grooving tubing drum, 42" tubing drum brake size, Detroit 60 Series engine, Allison transmission, Pemco  96-180C 96' x 180,000# mast (205,000 on 6 lines), McKissick 83AWT block, Tulsa 707W winch, mounted on 5 axle carrier, blocks, elevators, air slips, one owner  Price:  $420,000

TAYLOR 500 WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#7777Td)  Manufactured 2008, 104’ x 240,000# Pemco derrick, 100 ton blocks and lines, double drum, Cat C15 engine, Allison 5610 transmission, 4 axle carrier, leveling jacks, work floor, only 3800 hours on everything  Price:  $465,000

TAYLOR 500 WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#4817Ta)  Cat C15 engine (475 hp), 104’ x 275,000# derrick, approx 50,000 hours, approx 4000 miles, disc brakes, all hydraulic  Price:  $425,000

TAYLOR C500 WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#1350Nb)  Mounted on carrier, Taylor 60" Kobelt disc brakes main drum, Cassady 107' x 220,000# (98,560 daN) hookload capacity with 6 line rig up, located Canada  Price:  $1,350,000 CDN

TAYLOR 400 WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#9214Tb)  Manufactured 2006, double triple, 96’ derrick, Cat C15 diesel engine, mounted on 2006 5 axle Crane Carrier, stored inside since 2018. Power tongs, rod wrenches, doghouse  Price:  $325,000

TAYLOR 300 WELL SERVICE RIG  (Ref#1683RO)  42x10 tubing drum, Hydromatic brake, Cat 3406, Allison 5860 transmission, drop box, 96' x 250,000# Pemco hydraulically raised and scoped 4-leg telescloping mast, Crown-o-Matic, double tubing and triplex rod boards, mounted on 5 axle carrier, 4 hyd leveling jacks, air and hydraulic controls, utility hoist, flotation front tires  Price:  $320,000

TAYLOR 300 WELL SERVICE RIG  (Ref#1683RP)  double drum 42 x 10, Hydromatic brake, 8V71 dieselengine, Allison 5860 transmission, drop box, 96' x 210,000# 4-leg hydraulically raised and scoped mast, double tubing and triple rod boards, block and line, mounted on 4 axle carrier, 4 hyd leveling jacks, air and hydrauic controls, utility hoist and flotation front tires  Price:  $320,000

TAYLOR WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#11779Rb)  Manufactured 1982, 96' x 180,000# Pemco mast, Detroit 60 Series engine, 5860 Allison transmission, fully tooled, no BOP    Price:  $340,000

MOORE (CHINESE MADE) SERVICE RIG  (Ref#9956Tb)  Manufactured 2004, Cat diesel engine, 96' x 250,000# mast, mounted on 5 axle carrier, blocks, elevators, air slips, needs new air lines Price:  $170,000

XJ250 EXTENDA WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#5948Ta)  Manufactured 2010/Refurbished 2016, 96’ A-leg x 160,000# derrick, double drum drawworks, 7/8” tubing line, 9/16” sand line, McKissick 2-sheave tubing block, Quadco weight indicator, Cat 3406E diesel engine with RY352 transmission (refurbished 2018), mounted on 3-axle carrier, single steering axle, driver’s cab, 4-way hydraulic outriggers, double tubing and double rod boards, elevator bells and sinker bar, set of power and manual rig tools, transmission needs work  Price as is:  $250,000 

MOELLER – none available at this time

H & L DRILLING RIG  - we have no H & L rigs available at this time

MOUNTAIN 550 WORKOVER RIG  (Ref#4805Tb)  Built 2010, Detroit 60 Series engine, 5860 Allison transmission, 103’ x 250,000# mast, double triple, 2 winches, McKissick 100-ton spring loaded blocks, all lines, drill line, approx 13,000’ of 9/16” sandline, all guy lines, load lines, belly lines, floor lines and 2 winch lines all current tags.  Excellent condition, currently working.  Price:  $420,000

FREE STANDING MOUNTAIN 250 DOUBLE DRUM BACK IN RIG  (Ref#1422Nb)  Manufactured 2000,  powered by a 60 Series DDEC engine rated @ 375 hp, Allison 750 5 speed torque drive transmission, main drum brakes 38 in x 10 in, sandline drum brakes 38in x 8in, Mast 21m (68') x 53,400 daN (120,000#) with 4 lines, crown saver, Sowa 75 ton travelling blocks, racking capacity 8202 ft, 2.87 in tubs, in single strands, 0.87 in drill line, 0.56 in Polycore sandline  Price:  $530,000

MOUNTAIN MR350 SERVICE RIG  (Ref#11674Th)  104' x 225,000# telescoping double derrick, 42 x 10 double drum drawworks, hydromatic, 100 ton McKissick block and hook, mounted on tandem steer/tandem drive carrier, Cat 3406T diesel engine, Allison CLBT-5860-2 automatic transmission  Price: $137,500

WORKOVER/PRODUCTION RIG  (Ref#12996T)  Double drum, 96' x 200,000# hydraulic scoped mast, 4 axle carrier, 60 Series Detroit  Price:  $220,000

Workover rig with 83’ telescoping derrick, 10’ crown extension, 200,000# lift capacity, 100,000# snubbing capacity.  Catwalk with 42’ reach, forward and revere motion, hydraulic pipe slide, six portable pipe racks, powered by workover rig.  5000 ft/lb hydraulic rotary, 15k psi working pressure capability kelly hose, 300 ton mast with 5 x 5 heavy wall box tubing and 2 x 2 heavy wall cross sections, (2) mast raising cylinders, 9-1/8 x 25’ telescoping cylinders/crown sheaves with cable guides, (2) winch sheaves/snubbing sheaves, SRS fall protection, retractable flow tube design, non-swivel boom pole on curb side winch, (2) mast supports, 1” lifting cables, mounted on 5 axle Crane Carrier (3rd axle drop), with 375k Volvo Penta engine, 150 gal fuel capacity, hydraulic self-leveling components, 6 speed Allison transmission, 1:1 gear box, (2) 65 gpm pumps, (2) 30 gpm pumps, (1) 28 gpm Commercial shearing pump, 40 gal accumulator storage, single man cab, hydraulic leveling jacks  Price on Request

AGBO DRILLING MODEL G1000SB HYDRAULIC DRILLING RIG  (Ref#9059R)  Manufactured 1984, refurbished recently, 895/300 Atlas Copco air compressor, crown load max 200,000#, 30' working clearance, operating space around drill center 27-1/2", hydraulic swing out device for power swivel, power swivel Tpe S150 H3, 16,800nm torque, 150,000# pullback, 90,000# pulldown, 22,000# and 6,600# hydraulic winch, mounted on Magirus Deutz 6 x 6 with Cat 3412, located Middle East    PRICE:  $375,000

FLUSH-BY UNIT  (Ref#291T)  Flushby unit, 50' mast free standing (no slant capability), Pullmast HL-25 winch, PullMaster PL5 cat line winch, Gardner Denver PE5Y 3 x 5 triple pump, 5000 psi, 1997 10m3 Wabash tank (recertified 2002, refurbished 2014), TC 306 crude spec, 08/14 VIPKT, Fassi M30A folding crane, crown saver, weight indicator, plumbed for BOP and tongs, Finch 5332 level monitors, rod elevators, rod wrenches, hand tools, tolboxes, hoses and fittings.  Mounted on tri-drive 2015 IHC truck with Cummins ISX15 (500 hp) engine, Eaton 8LL 10 speed transmission, approx 5000 engine hours, 2010 PTO hours  Price:  $325,000